
Latest version: v3.0.1

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Runs some setup code on the component, even if the tool for that component is cached.

When the old problematic shared global options state was being used this, wasn't necessary. But with the functional option (sync=false) it's a bug. This rc could be a great UX improvement.


The best practise is still to specify the exact field to be visualised.

However, the default for "field" is now None, not 'BtEn', so there's a small possibility of a breaking change for those relying on this, who also specified a numerical radius. As now field = None causes a search based on field_prefix = 'Bt', the search could pick up BtE500 before BtEn for example.

This is an edge case to let a new convenience helper work, not a major API change, so I have only bumped a minor version number.


More data about the legend provided.


Unicode characters can now be read from and written to config.toml. Previous toml library deprecated in favour of toml_tools v2.0.0



Better supports shapefiles with zero length links, and writing of their data to User Text

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