
Latest version: v1.0.0

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✨ Improved

* Add `GFACOORD` extension to `proc-` frames with the `gfaCoords` table used during guiding.

⚙️ Engineering

* Stop supporting Python 3.9. Support for 3.12.
* Lint with `ruff`.
* Updated workflows for testing and releasing.


✨ Improved

* Add a couple checks to reject fits where either all the cameras have bad fit RMS (controlled by the `guider.max_fit_rms` parameters) or the delta scale value is too large (`guider.max_delta_scale_ppm`).

🏷️ Changed

* Changed default rotation offset to -420 arcsec at APO and -365 arcsec at LCO.
* Changed default RA/Dec offsets to zero for APO.


🔧 Fixed

* Use `sdss-coordio>=1.7.3` to exclude rejected cameras also for (normal) global RMS calculation.


🔧 Fixed

* Use `sdss-coordio>=1.7.2` to exclude rejected cameras from global fit RMS calculation.
* Addressed a corner case in which if the guider fit was unsuccessful that could lead to an error.


✨ Improved

* [14]( Outputs fit RMS and rejects cameras with outlier fit RMS.

🏷️ Changed

* Apply RA/Dec corrections at LCO at the same time as rotator corrections.
* Changed rotation tolerance at LCO to 15 arcsec.
* Set the focus offset of all LCO cameras to zero. This prevents bad FWHM measurements when GFA1 (which had nominal focus offset zero) had bad FWHM, for example because of a galaxy, while the other cameras measured consistent FWHMs.

🔧 Fixed

* Only use measurements with RMS < 1 arcsec for the RMS and scale history.
* Use `get_sjd()` in `Exposer()` when determining the next sequence number for GFA exposures. This may be behind the `"Guider failed: The keyword filename_bundle was not output."`.
* Ignore corrections when delta is -999.0.


🔥 Removed

* Removed the DAOPhot method and `photutils` dependency.

✨ Improved

* Upgraded the version of `coordio.extraction.extract_marginal()` to `coordio` 1.6.1.
* Limited the maximum number of detections to 50, sorted by flux, to speed up extraction.
* A few changes to source rejection.
* The FWHM returned with `astrometry_fit` now weights the offsets of the cameras so that cameras with large focus offsets count less towards the final value.

🏷️ Changed

* Use `--wait 15` by default at LCO when guiding/acquiring.

🔧 Fixed

* Fixed a couple references to `_acquisition_obj` that should be `_guider_obj` in `cherno set`.

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