✨ Improved
* [14](https://github.com/sdss/cherno/pull/14) Outputs fit RMS and rejects cameras with outlier fit RMS.
🏷️ Changed
* Apply RA/Dec corrections at LCO at the same time as rotator corrections.
* Changed rotation tolerance at LCO to 15 arcsec.
* Set the focus offset of all LCO cameras to zero. This prevents bad FWHM measurements when GFA1 (which had nominal focus offset zero) had bad FWHM, for example because of a galaxy, while the other cameras measured consistent FWHMs.
🔧 Fixed
* Only use measurements with RMS < 1 arcsec for the RMS and scale history.
* Use `get_sjd()` in `Exposer()` when determining the next sequence number for GFA exposures. This may be behind the `"Guider failed: The keyword filename_bundle was not output."`.
* Ignore corrections when delta is -999.0.