
Latest version: v1.16.1

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This release makes a number of changes to how id columns are generated. By default, id columns with a regex will now have their values scrambled in the output. Id columns without a regex that are numeric will be created randomly. If they're not numeric, they will have a random suffix.

Additionally, improvements were made to the visibility of the `get_loss_values_plot`.

New Features

* Create unique id for each synthesizer - Issue [1902]( by pvk-developer
* Generator Discriminator Loss Chart Color Change - Issue [1916]( by lajohn4747
* If using regex to generate values, scramble them - Issue [1921]( by amontanez24
* When generating ids without a regex, create them randomly - Issue [1922]( by frances-h


* Cleanup automated PR workflows - Issue [1926]( by R-Palazzo

* Add add-on modules to sys.modules - Issue [1924]( by amontanez24


This release adds support for Python 3.12! It also adds a number of feature improvements. It adds a `simplify_schema` utility function to the `sdv.utils.poc` module which simplifies multi-table schemas so they can be run using `HMASynthesizer`. Multi-table data dictionaries can now be saved directly to CSVs using the `sdv.datasets.local.save_csvs` utility function. Additionally, generator-discriminator loss values can now be plotted directly from CTGAN using the `get_loss_values_plot` method. This release also adds error messages when trying to load an SDV synthesizer on an older version of the SDV, or when trying to re-fit a synthesizer from an older version of the SDV.

This release also fixes a number of bugs. Metadata auto-detection now validates that all primary keys are unique, and the metadata correctly validates sdtypes in a column relationship. Bugs in the `HMASynthesizer` that would cause the diagnostic score to not be equal to 1.0 for cardinality and data validity were fixed. Finally, errors in constraints now correctly raise a `ConstraintsNotMetError` instead of an `InvalidData` error.

New Features

* sdv helper function for generating generator-discriminator loss charts - Issue [1828]( by lajohn4747
* Add utility function to simplify multi-table schemas - Issue [1832]( by R-Palazzo
* Show an error if I accidentally load an SDV synthesizer on an older version of SDV - Issue [1837]( by pvk-developer
* Show an error when attempting to re-train a synthesizer that was created on a previous SDV version - Issue [1838]( by pvk-developer
* Add warning when user tries to train a model using datetime values without a datetime_format set - Issue [1847]( by pvk-developer
* Add a function to save my multi-table data as CSVs - Issue [1849]( by R-Palazzo
* Deprecate `SingleTablePreset` (including `FastML` Preset) - Issue [1855]( by lajohn4747
* Missing error message if the user forgets to add a `sequence_key` when using PARSynthesizer - Issue [1883]( by frances-h


* Add dependency checker - Issue [1818]( by frances-h

Bugs Fixed

* Metadata isn't validating sdtypes in a column relationship (public SDV only) - Issue [1781]( by R-Palazzo
* Contextual Anonymization transformers shouldn't be used for primary keys - Issue [1807]( by fealho
* HMASynthesizer diagnostic score is not 1.0 when using `'truncnorm'` distribution - Issue [1831]( by frances-h
* InvalidDataError: The provided data does not match the metadata (although it matches) - Issue [1833]( by pvk-developer
* HMA likelihood match should respect cardinality - Issue [1834]( by fealho
* When inappropriately applying ScalarRange constraint, InvalidDataError is being returned instead of ConstraintsNotMetError - Issue [1842]( by pvk-developer
* When inappropriately applying a CustomConstraint, an InvalidDataError is being returned instead of ConstraintsNotMetError - Issue [1856]( by pvk-developer
* Error in Setting `IDGenerator` for Primary Key columns - Issue [1862]( by lajohn4747
* Metadata auto-detection should ensure primary keys are unique (special sdtypes are not exempt from this rule!) - Issue [1871]( by R-Palazzo


* Support Python 3.12 - Issue [1704]( by fealho
* Add dependency checker - Issue [1818]( by frances-h
* Add bandit workflow - Issue [1881]( by amontanez24


This release adds the `poc` utility submodule to help users more easily create a proof-of-concept with multi-table datasets. The `poc` submodule includes the `drop_unknown_references` utility function to automatically drop unknown references in a multi-table dataset. Additionally, multiple columns in the metadata can now be updated at once using the `update_columns` and `update_columns_metadata` methods. The SDV now also warns users when a synthesizer is loaded that was fitted on a different version of the SDV.

New Features

* Make the `get_parameters` function consistent between synthesizers - Issue [1756]( by fealho
* Reinstate `get_table_parameters` for the multi-table synthesizers - Issue [1757]( by fealho
* Validate condition and provide user-friendly messages for NaN/missing values (currently unsupported) - Issue [1758]( by fealho
* Improved error message if a column is already present in a relationship - Issue [1770]( by R-Palazzo
* Better error messaging for nullable foreign keys - Issue [1780]( by fealho
* Add a utility to drop unknown references (and enforce referential integrity) - Issue [1792]( by R-Palazzo
* Add `update_columns` and `update_columns_metadata` methods to metadata - Issue [1804]( by R-Palazzo
* Add `get_column_names` method to metadata - Issue [1805]( by frances-h
* Show original error message when plugin fails to load - Issue [1816]( by rwedge
* Show warning when loading a synthesizer on a previously-saved SDV version - Issue [1836]( by pvk-developer
* Add verbosity to `drop_unknown_references` - Issue [1845]( by R-Palazzo
* Create a `poc` module for utilities that help with proof-of-concept - Issue [1846]( by pvk-developer


* Cleanup `utils` module: Make internal functions private - Issue [1793]( by R-Palazzo
* Transition from using to pyroject.toml to specify project metadata - Issue [1801]( by R-Palazzo
* Remove bumpversion and use bump-my-version - Issue [1802]( by R-Palazzo


* Transition from using to pyroject.toml to specify project metadata - Issue [1801]( by R-Palazzo
* Remove bumpversion and use bump-my-version - Issue [1802]( by R-Palazzo
* Add support for RDT 1.10.0 - Issue [1850]( by amontanez24

Bugs Fixed

* `INFO` logs mention table name as `None` for single table data - Issue [1814]( by lajohn4747
* Fix drop_unknown_references for null foreign keys - Issue [1820]( by R-Palazzo


This release adds multiple improvements to handling premium transformers and column relationships, including using premium transformers even if the PII flag is set to true. Additionally, the SDV now warns users to save the metadata after auto-detection has been used. Semantic sdtype detection has also been improved to tokenize column names to prevent unexpected substring matches.

This release also fixes a few warning bugs and fixes an issue that would cause `metadata.to_dict` to fail for metadata loaded from older versions of the SDV. A few synthesizer bugs were also resolved. The quality of the sequence_index for the `PARSynthesizer` has been improved, and an issue that would cause `CTGANSynthesizer`, `TVAESynthesizer`, and `CopulaGANSynthesizer` to crash if all columns were to be generated from scratch has been fixed.

Bugs Fixed

* HMASynthesizer sometimes creates null values (out-of-bounds parameters synthesized) - Issue [1691]( by fealho
* Unable to conditionally sample some rows when using a `ScalarRange` constraint - Issue [1737]( by fealho
* Metadata.to_dict fails on metadata instances pre 1.9.0 - Issue [1739]( by amontanez24
* Metadata auto-detection should not assign a primary key if there are NaN values in it - Issue [1740]( by R-Palazzo
* '<Synthesizer>' object has no attribute '_model' - Issue [1741]( by fealho
* Column relationship warning should be raised during synthesizer initialization only - Issue [1750]( by R-Palazzo
* Improve quality of `sequence_index`: Move the start dates into the context model - Issue [1760]( by frances-h
* Add-ons warning is raised twice for multi table synthesizers. - Issue [1768]( by R-Palazzo

New Features

* Metadata auto-detection should tokenize words before determining PII - Issue [1725]( by fealho
* Provide a friendlier error if data is stored as dtype `'category'` (CTGAN, TVAE) - Issue [1735]( by frances-h
* Allow the ability to easily remove primary keys - Issue [1742]( by frances-h
* Constraint should not be set on columns inside a gps relationship - Issue [1748]( by R-Palazzo
* Set the default transformer for GPS column relationship - Issue [1749]( by R-Palazzo
* Add a `version` module to align with SDV Enterprise - Issue [1761]( by R-Palazzo
* Warn users to save their metadata file after auto-detecting/updating it - Issue [1762]( by R-Palazzo
* Set the GPSNoiser as default transformer for GPS column relationship - Issue [1767]( by R-Palazzo
* Update transformer assignment logic for handling pii - Issue [1775]( by R-Palazzo


This release makes a number of improvements. It introduces a new concept to the metadata known as column relationships! Column relationships can be used to define when certain groups of columns in a table should be treated as a special concept (eg. address). You can add a column relationship by using the new `add_column_relationship` method. The metadata detection was also improved by allowing semantic sdtypes (eg. 'email', 'phone_number') to be detected as primary keys.

This release also patches some bugs. An issue messing up the likelihood matching in the `HMASynthesizer` was resolved. The `CTGANSynthesizer` no longer fails when using the `FixedCombinations` constraint. The `Inequality` constraint was also patched to handle datetimes better.


* The `set_address_columns` method is deprecated in favor of `add_column_relationship`.

New Features

* Improve error messages for composite keys - Issue [1684]( by frances-h
* Add column relationship validation to single table metadata - Issue [1698]( by frances-h
* Add add_column_relationship method to single table metadata - Issue [1699]( by frances-h
* Make synthesizers work with column_relationships - Issue [1700]( by R-Palazzo
* Metadata auto-detection should find primary keys of semantic sdtypes - Issue [1724]( by fealho

Bugs Fixed

* InvalidDataError for Inequality constraint (even though data is valid) - Issue [1692]( by fealho
* `BaseIndependentSampler` crashes because it tries to cast id columns - Issue [1712]( by pvk-developer
* KeyError in `CTGANSynthesizer` when applying `FixedCombinations` constraint - Issue [1717]( by pvk-developer
* Fix _get_likelihoods not generating likelihood values - Issue [1720]( by frances-h


This release adds support for the new Diagnostic Report from SDMetrics. This report calculates scores for three basic but important properties of your data: data validity, data structure and in the multi table case, relationship validity. Data validity checks that the columns of your data are valid (eg. correct range or values). Data structure makes sure the synthetic data has the correct columns. Relationship validity checks to make sure key references are correct and the cardinality is within ranges seen in the real data.

Additionally, a few bugs were fixed and functionality was improved around synthesizers. It is now possible to access the loss values for the `TVAESynthesizer` and `CTGANSynthesizer` by using the `get_loss_values` method. The `get_parameters` method is now more detailed and returns all the parameters used to make a synthesizer. The metadata is now capable of detecting some common pii sdtypes. Finally, a bug that made every parent row generated by the `HMASynthesizer` have at least one child row was patched. This should improve cardinality.


* Address `SettingWithCopyWarning` (HMASynthesizer) - Issue [1557]( by pvk-developer
* Bump SDMetrics version - Issue [1702]( by amontanez24

New Features

* Allow me to access loss values for GAN-based synthesizers - Issue [1671]( by frances-h
* Create a unified `get_parameters` method for all multi-table synthesizers - Issue [1674]( by frances-h
* Set credentials key as variables - Issue [1680]( by R-Palazzo
* Identifying PII Sdtypes in Metadata - Issue [1683]( by R-Palazzo
* Make SDV compatible with the latest SDMetrics - Issue [1687]( by fealho
* SingleTablePreset uses FrequencyEncoder - Issue [1695]( by fealho

Bugs Fixed

* HMASynthesizer creates too much synthetic data (always creates a child for every parent row) - Issue [1673]( by frances-h

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