
Latest version: v2024.8.22

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* Add units for force constants (kJ/mol/Å^2,...)
* Fixed an issue naming axes in plots with multiple axes


* Added more default units: dynamic viscosity (cP, etc) and kinematic viscosity
(cSt, etc)
* Fixed a bug handling unit dimensions since the order changed in Pint. Now they are
put in a standard alphabetical order.


* Added a configuration file handler that preserves comments in the file so that
documentation is not stripped.


* Added conversions from temeprature units, like K, to energy, like kJ/mol and vice
* Used more of the Pint contexts, which should allow wavenumbers to frequency, etc.


* Now recognize URI's in the form local:path/to/file
* An optional URI handler can be passed in to resolve such URI's.


* Roundoff in floating point numbers caused some duplicates to be missed. The code
now checks for duplicates in a more robust way.

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