
Latest version: v2024.12.7

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Added multiple axes to line graphs.
* Updated to correct version of plotly. 'latest' is actually not.


* Cleaned up and add to the standard parameters used for naming system and
configurations. 'title' refers to the title in the file, if it exists.


* Allows capital letters for the variables, column names, etc. that results are
stored in. For example, 'T', 'P', and 'V'.

2024.6.27 -- Added support for using local data files.
* Added support in the Flowchart and Node classes for using local data files for
e.g. forcefields. This allows the user to specify a local file, which is copied to
the working directory of the job.
* Also added a flag to both the Flowchart and Node classes indicating that the job
is running in the JobServer rather than command-line.

2024.5.27 -- Bugfix: Error saving results table.


* Dialogs that have a Results tab -- mainly the computational engines -- raised an
error if the "Cancel" button was clicked. "OK" worked. This fixes the problem.

2024.5.3.1 -- Bugfix: JSON in Results GUI not set correctly.


* Adding time into the Results.json file will allow ensuring that the most
recent data is used, when there are duplicates.


* Added column in the results tab for saving results to JSON
* Added separators between the columns of the results table to make clearer which
parameters go together.

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