- Add `bulb_section()` to steel sections library, thanks to [\zmpulse]
- Add progress bar and pretty output using [rich]
- Fix logic of generating holes in CompoundGeometry using the subtraction method, thanks to [\connorferster]
- Expand testing suite and documentation, thanks to [\czarified]
- Fix bug with plastic calculation when material properties are specified
- Add warning message for disconnected geometries when trying to calculate warping properties, thanks to [\connorferster]
- Fix bug with material properties not being assigned when using the ``CompoundGeometry.from_points()`` method, thanks to [\connorferster]
**Full changelog:** [2.0.3\...2.1.0]
[\zmpulse]: https://github.com/zmpulse
[rich]: https://github.com/Textualize/rich
[\connorferster]: https://github.com/connorferster
[\czarified]: https://github.com/czarified
[2.0.3\...2.1.0]: https://github.com/robbievanleeuwen/section-properties/compare/2.0.3...2.1.0