- `author` optimization: sedrila now uses an incremental build, supported by a cache.
Build time reduces tenfold in typical cases.
The previous simplistic cache and its `--cache` option were removed.
The code base has been greatly reorganized accordingly and is now cleaner and clearer.
Use `--clean` to start with an empty cache if desired (there is rarely a need for it).
Output now reports which files are built; use `--log WARNING` to silence this.
- `author` harmonization: in `sedrila.yaml`, 'slug' and 'breadcrumb_title' are renamed into 'name'.
(In the resulting `course.json`, 'slug' is deprecated, but still available for the time being,
so that students/instructors can continue to use sedrila 1.3 when authors start using sedrila 2.0.
Version mixing is not well tested, though.)
- `author` simplification: `assumes` and `requires` now allow any type of part.
The `minimum` attribute in taskgroup files is no longer supported.
The (undocumented) `todo` attribute in taskgroup files is no longer supported.
- `author` feature: sedrila now also supports table syntax in Markdown.
- `author`: FIX: added missing documentation for macro `[TERMREF2]`.
- `author`: FIX: the reported number of errors is no longer inflated.
- `instructor`: can now change previous accept/reject decisions``