* Support for imbalanced-learn resamplers by Matthias Gazzari
* allows for vector targets, to support one-hot or multi-label encoding * supports unsorted time series data * supports time series data with duplicate time stamps (fixing scipy interp sorting) * fixed numpy deprecation warning for test_base
* added function for creating TS_Data from pandas * minor bug fixes
* step parameter defined for Segment transformers, which can be used to specify the sliding window segmentation instead of overlap parameter (Matthias Gazzari) * bug fix - variance feature calculation
* ``order`` parameter defined for Segment transformers. Using 'C' ordering improves ANN estimator performance. * ``__repr__`` defined for callable feature classes * ``FunctionTransformer`` contributed by Matthias Gazzari * __repr__ attributed added to ``TemporalKFold`` by Matthias Gazzari * ``InterpLongToWide`` contributed by Philip Boyer
* ``FeatureRepMix`` transformer contributed by Matthias Gazzari (qtux) * Added verbosity control to ``FeatureRep`` transformer