A new and much more functional graph view to Obsidian. It does so by connecting
to a [Neo4j](https://neo4j.com/) database. Features:
- Color nodes by tags
- Selective expansion and hiding of nodes
- Typed links using `- linkType [[note 1]], [[note 2|alias]]`
- Hierarchical layout
1. Make sure you have Python 3.6+ installed
2. Make sure you have [Neo4j desktop](https://neo4j.com/download/) installed
4. Create a new database in Neo4j desktop and start it. Record the password you use!
5. In the settings of the plugin, enter the password. Then run the restart command.
On an open node, use the command "Neo4j Graph View: Open local graph of note".
- Click on a node to open it in the Markdown view
- Double-click on a node to expand its neighbors
- Shift-drag in the graph view to select nodes
- Use E to expand the neighbors of all selected nodes
- Use H or Backspace to hide all selected nodes from the view
- Use I (invert) to select all nodes that are not currently selected
- Use A to select all nodes
- All notes visited are added to the graph