- minor: Add support for storing release datetime in order to display it in the changelog. - patch: All tests are now able to be run on Windows - patch: Fix: bug showing incorrect error using release command with no changesets created.
- minor: Add CLI command to detect missing changeset files before merging to the destination branch. - minor: Add exception handling support to use Semversioner as a library. - patch: Fix next-version error command color.
- minor: Added command next-version, to compute the version of the next release, without actually performing the release
- minor: Expose models to use semversioner as a library. - minor: Use models for better encapsulation and code refactoring.
- major: Drop support for Python 3.6. - minor: Add type hinting. - minor: Bump click dependency to 8.0.3. - minor: Bump jinja2 dependency to 3.0.3. - patch: Add Python 3.10 testing in the CI/CD process. - patch: Bump importlib_resources dependency to 5.4.0. - patch: Bump pytest dependency to 6.2.5. - patch: Bump twine dependency to 3.7.1. - patch: Bump wheel dependency to 0.37.0. - patch: Remove unnecessary dependency: colorama. - patch: Rename semversioner directory to .semversioner.
- minor: Add support for custom changelog template - patch: Fix security vulnerability with jinja2 CVE-2020-28493