
Latest version: v1.2.1

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* Fixed nodefilter not working with Sentinel-3 products. (`573 <>`_ `valpamp <>`_)

Development Changes
* Added automated testing for Python 3.11. (`575 <>`_)



CLI changes
* Show help when no CLI arguments are provided.

* Tests are no longer included in the Python source package to significantly reduce its size.

* Fixed handling of missing `Online` OData attribute in older DHuS versions, such as (`#535 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Fix the ``filter_node`` function generated by ``make_path_filter`` so
that node paths are no longer converted to lowercase before pattern
matching. (`541 <>`_
`avalentino <>`_)
* In ``download_all()``, the initial check on files already existing now ignores server errors when determining the file name. Any existing files are still skipped when initiating the download. (`543 <>`_
`joooeey <>`_)


``download_all()`` has been completely rewritten to correctly handle server-side concurrency limits and bugs.

CLI changes
* New CLI option ``--fmt`` to specify the format of the listed products. (`526 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_)
* More detailed progress info during downloads. Added progressbars for overall download and LTA retrieval progress.
Product names are now included in individual download progress bars. (`532 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Progressbars no longer conflict with logging output. (`531 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Added ``--fail-fast`` option for downloading. (`532 <>`_)

* Added ``concurrent_dl_limit`` and ``concurrent_lta_trigger_limit`` parameters to ``SentinelAPI`` which are used to ensure that
the server-side limit for concurrent downloads (4 for and the maximum number of concurrent LTA retrievals
(set to 10 by default) are respected everywhere. (`532 <>`_)
* Added an optional ``lta_timeout`` parameter to ``SentinelAPI``, which sets the maximum time to wait for products to be retrieved from the LTA.
Defaults to unlimited. (`532 <>`_)
* Added ``dl_retry_delay`` parameter to ``SentinelAPI``, which defaults to 10 seconds and limits the rate of download retries to give the server some time to recover. (`532 <>`_)
* Added ``fail_fast`` option to ``download_all()``. (`532 <>`_)
* Added support for SHA3-256 checksums used by some newer Sentinel-2 products. (`523 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* For more advanced use-cases, ``Downloader.download_all()``, which returns a detailed ``DownloadStatus`` enum for each product, can now be used. (`532 <>`_)
* GeoJSON geometries consisting of multiple features are now supported. (`530 <>`_ `mackland <>`_)

* ``download_all()`` now waits for all LTA retrievals to finish before exiting. (`532 <>`_)
* Default ``n_concurrent_dl`` in ``download_all()`` increased from 2 to 4. (`532 <>`_)
* Default LTA retry period was reduced from 600 to 60 seconds. (`532 <>`_)
* ``SentinelProductsAPI`` has been merged into ``SentinelAPI`` and will be removed in a future release. (`532 <>`_)
* Suppressed the unnecessary server stacktrace printing for ``QueryLengthError``. (`524 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)

* Changed logic for ``_get_filename`` when Content-Disposition header not present (`494 <>`_ `rbrishabh <>`_)
* ``download_all()`` strictly tracks and limits the number of concurrent GET requests made (which includes LTA triggering) to respect server-side limits. (`532 <>`_, `#508 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_).
* Triggering is now much more robust against server-side bugs (such as the frequent HTTP 500: NullPonterException, Postgres bugs, etc.). (`532 <>`_)
* Better handling of HTTP 403 error in ``trigger_offline_retrieval()`` (`491 <>`_ `z4zz <>`_)
* Downloading with ``download_all()`` can now be cleanly interrupted without the downloads remaining active in the background. (`481, 532 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)

Development Changes
* All downloading-related functionality has been moved into a separate ``Downloader`` class to keep the code more organized.
The existing API has been kept as-is, however. (`532 <>`_)



* Fixed broken triggering of offline LTA products - use GET instead of HEAD since HEAD does not appear to be triggering retrieval correctly. (`486 <>`_ `valgur <>`_, related to `#386 <>`_)


* Dropped support for Python 2.7. Now setuptools requires Python >= 3.6.

CLI changes
* ``--start`` and ``--end`` CLI arguments no longer use the default values of ``NOW-1DAY`` and ``NOW``. (`459 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* ``--footprints`` now expects a path for the output file to be specified instead of using the previous default ``<--path>/search_footprints.geojson``. (`462 <>`_ `valgur <>`_, `#407 <>`_ `IpsumCapra <>`_)
* ``--uuid``, ``--name`` and ``--query`` must now be repeated instead of passing a single comma-separated string.
Repeated keywords get treated as an "or" expression. (`463 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Display DHuS server version with CLI flag ``--info`` (`367 <>`_ `thomasyoung-audet <>`_)
* Added searching by placenames with the CLI flag ``--location`` (`372 <>`_ `thomasyoung-audet <>`_)
* Added CLI support for ``--geometry`` input as a WKT or GeoJSON string (`381 <>`_ `thomasyoung-audet <>`_)
* Download quicklooks directly with the CLI flag ``--quicklook`` (`361 <>`_ `mackland <>`_)
* Got rid of the special handling of ``--uuid`` and ``--name`` CLI arguments. The product IDs are now simply passed to ``api.query()`` as a set.
As a result they no longer ignore the date range arguments (fixes `387 <>`_). (`#390 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Added ``--timeout`` option with a default value of 60 seconds to avoid waiting indefinitely for a response. (`475 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* New ``--gnss`` CLI flag to use the GNSS end-point for orbit products query and download (`441 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_).

* Added ``setinelsat/`` (`412 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_)
* Added ``get_stream()`` (`430 <>`_ `fwfichtner <>`_)
* New ``sentinelsat/`` module providing a "product nodes" API that
allows to filter and download only selected files of the requested products
(`414 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_)
* Added ``trigger_offline_retrieval()``. (`476 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Added ``download_quicklooks()`` and ``download_all_quicklooks()`` (`361 <>`_ `mackland <>`_)

* Replaced ``SentinelAPIError`` exceptions with more specific types:

* ``SentinelAPIError`` -- the parent, catch-all exception. Only used when no other more specific exception can be applied.
* ``ServerError`` -- raised when the server responded in an unexpected manner, typically due to undergoing maintenance.
* ``UnauthorizedError`` -- raised when attempting to retrieve a product with incorrect credentials.
* ``QuerySyntaxError`` -- raised when the query string could not be parsed on the server side.
* ``QueryLengthError`` -- raised when the query string length was excessively long.
* ``InvalidKeyError`` -- raised when product with given key was not found on the server.
* ``InvalidChecksumError`` -- MD5 checksum of a local file does not match the one from the server.
* ``LTAError`` -- raised when triggering a retrieval from the Long Term Archive failed.
* ``LTATriggered`` -- raised in some cases when the product is offline and retrieval was triggered successfully.

The new exceptions are still subclasses of ``SentinelAPIError`` for backwards compatibility.
(`285 <>`_ `valgur <>`_, `dwlsalmeida <>`_)
* Tidied up the (internal) download code logic (`378 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Added an "exception" field to the ``failed_products`` dict returned by in ``.download_all()`` for easier debugging (`378 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Fixed the server-side space handling change issue reported in `383 <>`_ by quoting instead of backslash-escaping the strings. (`#390 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Queries now use ``(key:value OR key:value)`` format instead of the previous ``key:(value OR value)`` format,
which for some reason took tens of seconds per query. (`390 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Empty queries raise a ``ValueError`` immediately on the client side instead of letting the server generate it. (`390 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Added stricter checks for empty keyword values in queries, which would cause server-side errors. (`390 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Gracefully handle cancelled futures. (`448 <>`_ and `#479 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_)
* Use the HTTP status instead of OData metadata to determine the online status of a product when downloading.
This is a workaround for the rare server-side bug of the OData info for the online status being incorrect (`467 <>`_). (`#469 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* ``download()`` now raises ``LTATriggered`` or ``LTAError`` if the requested product is offline. (`476 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
This is a workaround for the rare server-side bug of the OData info for the online status being incorrect (`467 <>`_). (`#469 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Set the default query timeout to 60 seconds to avoid waiting indefinitely for a response. (`475 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* ``download_all`` now returns a named tuple for clarity. (`477 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Search queries now use GET instead of POST requests because the Sentinel-5P Pre-Operations Data Hub does not support POST (`380 <>`_).
As a consequence, the search query contents are now limited to latin1 encoding instead of UTF-8. (`473 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Use ```` for nicer progress reporting in notebooks. (`480 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)

* Removed ``query_raw()`` that was deprecated in v0.12.

* Fix location information for Nominatim bounding box queries (`384 <>`_)
* Get file name extension more reliably from either the HTTP header or an OData attribute. (`378 <>`_, `#472 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)
* Updated the API Hub URL to ``.
* Server-side error info has become much more detailed and the client code has been updated to correctly handle that.
* ``check_existing()`` now determines the filename correctly for Sentinel-5 products. (`valgur <>`_ `#452 <>`_)
* Fix accidental downloading of the whole product in memory when the product is actually available despite being marked
as offline in its metadata. (`386 <>`_, `#421 <>`_, `#454 <>`_ `lucadelu <>`_)
* Fixed timeout not being used in some queries. (`454 <>`_ `valgur <>`_)

Development Changes
* Fixed failing Read The Docs builds (`370 <>`_)
* Replaced Travis CI with Github Actions. Added testing on MacOS and Windows. (`438 <>`_ `avalentino <>`_)
* Made tests more robust by not relying on specific products being returned where possible.



* trigger retrieval of offline products from LTA, while downloading online products (`297 <>`_ `gbaier <>`_)
* allow input of multiple values per query parameter as logical OR (`321 <>`_ `OlgaCh <>`_)
* document CODA password limitations (`315 <>`_ `nishadhka <>`_)

* warn users about complex queries (`290 <>`_)

* discontinued support for Python <=3.4

* Missing ``Online`` field in OData response defaults to ``Online: True`` instead of raising a ``KeyError`` (`281 <>`_ `viktorbahr <>`_)
* Missing ``ContentGeometry`` field in OData response defaults to ``footprint: None`` instead of raising a ``TypeError`` (`286 <>`_ `#325 <>`_ `lukasbindreiter <>`_)

Development Changes
* code formatting with `black` checked by Travis-CI (`352 <>`_)
* reorganize unit tests into small groups with their own files (`287 <>`_)
* reduced code duplication in unit tests by making greater use of pytest fixtures. (`287 <>`_)
* force unit tests to include one of the markers 'fast', 'scihub' or 'mock_api' (`287 <>`_)
* automatic return code checking of CLI tests (`287 <>`_)
* Replaced direct ``vcrpy`` usage in unit tests with ``pytest-vcr``.
The ``pytest`` command line options changed from ``--vcr disable`` to ``--disable-vcr`` and
``--vcr [use|record_new|reset]`` to ``--vcr-record [once|record_new|all``.
See `vcrpy docs <>`_ for details. (`283 <>`_)

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