- feat: Remove CollectStep and ParallelCollectStep (173) by lynnagara - feat(reduce): Record `arroyo.strategies.reduce.batch_time` (175) by lynnagara - docs: Add decoders section (174) by lynnagara - build: Make json, msgpack and avro optional dependencies (172) by lynnagara
Various fixes & improvements
- feat(serializers): Add more decoders (171) by lynnagara - feat(reduce): Support greater flexibility in initial value (170) by lynnagara - auto publish to internal pypi on release (169) by asottile-sentry - feat: Remove support for cooperative-sticky partition assignment strategy (168) by lynnagara
Various fixes & improvements
- ref(decoder): Remove dead code (167) by lynnagara - ref(commit_policy): Improve performance of commit policy (162) by untitaker - feat(decoders): Json decoder can be used without schema (166) by lynnagara
Various fixes & improvements
- feat: Add Reduce strategy (157) by lynnagara - ref: Remove ``Position`` and stop passing timestamps to the commit function (165) by lynnagara - feat: Add a schema validation strategy (154) by lynnagara - fix: Ensure Collect/ParallelCollect properly calls next_step methods (163) by lynnagara - feat: Remove the BatchProcessingStrategy and AbstractBatchWorker (164) by lynnagara - test: Fix streamprocessor tests (160) by lynnagara - docs: Call out the run task strategy (161) by lynnagara - fix: RunTaskWithMultiprocessing handles MessageRejected from subsequent steps (158) by lynnagara - ref: Improve typing of CommitOffsets strategy (159) by lynnagara
Various fixes & improvements
- fix(commit_policy): Calculate elapsed timerange correctly (155) by untitaker - ref: Remove dead code (153) by lynnagara - feat(Collect) Attempt to redesign the Collector step (127) by fpacifici
Various fixes & improvements
- feat: Collect / ParallelCollect supports a next step (149) by lynnagara - feat: Add RunTaskWithMultiprocessing strategy (152) by lynnagara - feat: Add replace() method to message (151) by lynnagara - feat: Death to the consumer strategy factory (150) by lynnagara - feat: Add RunTask strategy (147) by lynnagara