
Latest version: v0.12.0

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- Reduce the core API size by removing:
1) `tree_graph` (for graphviz)
2) `tree_mermaid` (mermaidjs)
3) `Partial/partial` -> Use `jax.tree_util.Partial` instead.
4) `is_tree_equal` -> Use `bcmap(numpy.testing.*)(pytree1, pytree2)` instead.
5) `freeze` -> Use `ft.partial(tree_mask, lambda _: True)` instead.
6) `unfreeze` -> Use `tree_unmask` instead.
7) `is_nondiff`
8) `BaseKey`


- `tree_{mask,unmask}` now accepts only callable `cond` argument.

For masking using pytree boolean mask use the following pattern:

import jax
import sepes as sp
import functools as ft
tree = [[1, 2], 3] the nested tree
where = [[True, False], True] mask tree[0][1] and tree[1]
mask = ft.partial(sp.tree_mask, cond=lambda _: True)[where].apply(mask) apply using `at`
[[1, 2], 3]
or simply apply to the node directly
tree = [[mask(1), 2], mask(3)]
[[1, 2], 3]

- Rename `is_frozen` to `is_masked`
- frozen could mean non-trainable array, however the masking is not only for arrays but also for other types that will be hidden across jax transformations.

- Rename `AtIndexer` to `at` for shorter syntax.


- Add `fill_value` in `at[...].get(fill_value=...)` to add default value for non
selected leaves. Useful for arrays under `jax.jit` to avoid variable size related errors.
- Add `jax.tree_util.{SequenceKey,GetAttrKey,DictKey}` as valid path keys in `at[...]`.


- Raise error if `autoinit` is used with `__init__` method defined.
- Avoid applying `copy.copy` `jax.Array` during flatten/unflatten or `AtIndexer` operations.
- Add `at` as an alias for `AtIndexer` for shorter syntax.
- Deprecate `AtIndexer.__call__` in favor of `value_and_tree` to apply function in a functional manner by copying the input argument.

import sepes as sp
class Counter(sp.TreeClass):
def __init__(self, count: int):
self.count = count
def increment(self, value):
self.count += value
return self.count
counter = Counter(0)
the function follow jax.value_and_grad semantics where the tree is the
copied mutated input argument, if the function mutates the input arguments
sp.value_and_tree(lambda C: C.increment(1))(counter)
(1, Counter(count=1))

- Updated docstrings. e.g. How to construct flops counter in `tree_summary` using `jax.jit`

What's Changed
* next by ASEM000 in

**Full Changelog**:


- No freezing rule for `jax.Tracer` in `sp.freeze`
- Add pprint rule `jax.Tracer` in `sp.tree_repr`/`sp.tree_str`
- Add no-op warning if user adds `autoinit` to class with `__init__` method.
- Add warning if user add fields in incorrect kind order.
- Add warning if any bases of `autoinit` has `__init__` method.
- Add `CLASS_VAR` kind in `field` to support class variables in `autoinit`.

What's Changed
* 11.2 by ASEM000 in

**Full Changelog**:


- `__call__` is added to `AtIndexer` to enable methods that work on copied instance.
to avoid mutating in-place. _This is useful to write methods in stateful manner, and
use the `AtIndexer` to operate in a functional manner_. This feature was previously
enabled only for `TreeClass`, but now it is enabled for any class.

The following shows how to use `AtIndexer` to call a method that mutates the tree
in-place, in an out-of-place manner (i.e. execute the method on a copy of the tree)

import sepes as sp
import jax.tree_util as jtu
class Counter:
def __init__(self, count: int):
self.count = count
def increment_count(self, count:int) -> int:
mutates the tree
self.count += count
return self.count
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Tree(count={self.count})"
counter = Counter(0)
indexer = sp.AtIndexer(counter)
cur_count, new_counter = indexer["increment_count"](count=1)
assert counter.count == 0 did not mutate in-place
assert cur_count == 1 the method returned the current count
assert new_counter.count == 1 the copied instance where the method was executed
assert not (counter is new_counter) the old and new instance are not the same

If the instance is frozen (e.g. `dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True)`) ,or implements
a custom `__setattr__`/`__delattr__` then the `__call__` may not work. Register
a custom mutator/immutator to `AtIndexer` to enable `__call__` to work. For more
see `AtIndexer.__call__` docstring.

What's Changed
* add `__call__` to `AtIndexer` by ASEM000 in

**Full Changelog**:


- Mark full subtrees for replacement.

import sepes
tree = [1, 2, [3,4]]
tree_= sp.AtIndexer(tree)[[False,False,True]].set(10)
assert tree_ == [1, 2, 10]

i.e. Inside a mask, marking a _subtree_ mask with single bool leaf, will replace the whole subtree. In this example subtree `[3, 4]` marked with `True` in the mask is an indicator for replacement.

If the subtree is populated with `True` leaves, then the set value will
be broadcasted to all subtree leaves.

import sepes
tree = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
tree_ = sp.AtIndexer(tree)[[False, False, [True, True]]].set(10)
assert tree_ == [1, 2, [10, 10]]

- Do not broadcast path based mask

import sepes as sp
tree = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
tree_= sp.AtIndexer(tree)[2].set(10)
assert tree_ == [1, 2, 10]

To broadcast to subtree use `...`

import sepes as sp
tree = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
tree_= sp.AtIndexer(tree)[2][...].set(10)
assert tree_ == [1, 2, [10, 10]]

- Better lookup errors

import sepes as sp
tree = {"a": {"b": 1, "c": 2}, "d": 3}

LookupError: No leaf match is found for where=[a, d]. Available keys are ['a']['b'], ['a']['c'], ['d'].
Check the following:
- If where is `str` then check if the key exists as a key or attribute.
- If where is `int` then check if the index is in range.
- If where is `re.Pattern` then check if the pattern matches any key.
- If where is a `tuple` of the above types then check if any of the tuple elements match.

- Extract subtrees with `pluck`

import sepes as sp
tree = {"a": 1, "b": [1, 2, 3]}
indexer = sp.AtIndexer(tree) construct an indexer
`pluck` returns a list of selected subtrees
[[1, 2, 3]]

in comparison, `get` returns same pytree
{'a': None, 'b': [1, 2, 3]}

`pluck` with mask

import sepes as sp
tree = {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3, 4]}
mask = {"a": True, "b": [False, True, False]}
indexer = sp.AtIndexer(tree)
[1, 3]

This is equivalent to the following:

[tree["a"], tree["b"][1]]

To get the first `n` matches, use `pluck(n)`.

_A simple application of pluck is to share reference using a descriptor-based approach:_

import sepes as sp
marker = object()
class Tie:
def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name
def __set__(self, instance, indexer):
self.where = indexer.where
where_str = "/".join(map(str, self.where))
vars(instance)[] = f"Ref:{where_str}"
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
(subtree,) = sp.AtIndexer(instance, self.where).pluck(1)
return subtree

class Tree(sp.TreeClass):
shared: Tie = Tie()
def __init__(self):
self.lookup = dict(a=marker, b=2)
self.shared =["lookup"]["a"]
tree = Tree()
assert tree.lookup["a"] is tree.shared

- Revamp the backend mechanism:

- Rewrite array backend via dispatch to work with `numpy`,`jax`, and `torch` simultaneously. for example the following recognize both `jax` and `torch` entries without backend changes.

import sepes as sp
import jax.numpy as jnp
import torch
tree = [[1, 2], 2, [3, 4], jnp.ones((2, 2)), torch.ones((2, 2))]
[1, 2],
[3, 4],
f32[2,2](μ=1.00, σ=0.00, ∈[1.00,1.00]),
torch.f32[2,2](μ=1.00, σ=0.00, ∈[1.00,1.00])

- Introduce `backend_context` to switch between `jax`/`optree` backend registration and tree utilities. the following example shows how to register with different backends:

import sepes
import jax
import optree

with sepes.backend_context("jax"):
class JaxTree(sepes.TreeClass):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = 1.0
self.l2 = 2.0

with sepes.backend_context("optree"):
class OpTreeTree(sepes.TreeClass):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = 1.0
self.l2 = 2.0
print(optree.tree_leaves(OpTreeTree(), namespace="sepes"))
[1.0, 2.0]
[1.0, 2.0]


- successor of the `jax`-specific `pytreeclass`

- Supports multibackend:

- `numpy` + `optree` via `export sepes_BACKEND=numpy` (lightweight option)
- `jax` via `export sepes_BACKEND=jax` - The default -
- `torch` + `optree` via `export sepes_BACKEND=torch`
- no array + `optree` via `export sepes_BACKEND=default`

- drop `callback` option in parallel options in `is_parallel`
- Add parallel processing via `is_parallel` to `.{get,set}`
- `register_excluded_type` to `autoinit` to exclude certain types to be in `field` defaults.
- add `doc` in `field` to add extra documentation for the descriptor `__doc__`



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