Lots of small bug fixes and rounding out the user experience after the large 3.0 push. In general, operations should be smoother, and some edge cases where files weren't downloaded were fixed!
As usual, please [submit bug reports to github](https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/issues)!
What's Changed
* Update the download progress bar (both unsigned and dowload) when initial transform request doesn't return all files by ketan96-m in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/478
* Add retries for s3 interactions with tenacity by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/479
* ci: Fix file name error by matthewfeickert in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/483
* Prevent user passing nfiles=0 when creating a sample by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/485
* Cache Collision when the user ignores the cache and hash is present in the db Fix 375 by ketan96-m in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/482
* Add XRootD dataset identifier class by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/481
* expose OutputFormatEnum instead of ResultFormat to user by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/484
* Multiple samples submitted together updates the database only once 417 by ketan96-m in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/486
* Caching behavior of permutation fix 396 by ketan96-m in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/488
* Better handling of tokens near expiry by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/487
* docs: Note that ReadTheDocs is the user docs by matthewfeickert in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/491
* Expose `Delivery` enum by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/489
* Single Database instance -- Resume request when client fails fixes 468 by ketan96-m in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/497
* docs: Add conda-forge badge to README by matthewfeickert in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/500
* Add Python 3.13 to test matrix by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/495
* Validate multi samples fixes 499 by ketan96-m in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/501
* Bump release version to 3.0.1-alpha.1 by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/511
* New argument `fail_if_incomplete` to raise an exception if any files fail by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/516
* Final refresh of progress bars when transform is complete by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/504
* Add cli command to list datasets by BenGalewsky in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/517
* Add documentation on YAML features by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/509
* Improve docstrings for Pydantic models by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/505
* Require tree name to be set for `FuncADLQuery_Uproot` queries by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/512
* Require namespace in Rucio DIDs by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/513
* Improve handling of error codes from server by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/510
* Add a test to make sure that we raise an exception if there is no servicex config file by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/514
* Delete Dataset From CLI by BenGalewsky in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/519
* Add some documentation on errors by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/508
* Do a preflight authentication call by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/520
* Remove view source code button from documentation by kyungeonchoi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/522
* Introduce example of app testing with patches by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/523
* Add precommit hooks by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/524
* Update About page of documentation by kyungeonchoi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/526
* Small cleanups of unused code by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/515
* Check for return value on dataset delete by BenGalewsky in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/529
* Avoid race condition between status monitoring and download tasks by ponyisi in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/532
* Eliminate unnecessary URL options from the command line. by BenGalewsky in https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/pull/530
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ssl-hep/ServiceX_frontend/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1