
Latest version: v24.3.0

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- Prometheus connector fast-fail support; short-circuit long running measurements when SLO violations are detected [330](
- Kubernetes connector Argo Rollouts WorkloadRef support [337](
- Opsani Dev connector support for configuration of image and tag used for envoy sidecar injection [341](
- Kubernetes connector support for injecting static environment variables into the tuning Pod [343](


- Kubernetes Deployment optimizations (Saturation Mode) `destroy` error behavior changed to `shutdown`; the Deployment
resource is no longer destroyed and is scaled to zero replicas instead [317](
it to zero replicas instead
- Kubernetes adjustment values no longer raise validation errors when outside the configured range (eg. falling back to
initially observed/baseline values) [279](


- Checks running on multiple connector assemblies were only processing checks for the first connector to respond [351](
- Prometheus connector reliance on implicit importing of servo.cli [355](



- Updated opsani Dev connector metrics to remove confusing _avg metric name [331](


* Update forked kubernetes_asyncio dependency to use PyPI package source instead of github [315](



- Improved messaging of unschedulable adjustment rejections [285](
- Test suites now treat warnings as errors [288](
- Relaxed validation of account names to support accounts that don't adhere to DNS naming convention [302](
- Updated calculation and naming of Opsani Dev prometheus metrics to use averages [305](


- Beta support for optimizing [Argo Rollouts]( [#303](
- Simple telemetry to report run environment details to the backend [261](
- Existing kubernetes resource requests/limits are now validated [282](


- Opsani Dev p99 latency metrics [306](
- Opsani Dev main_pod_avg_request_rate redundant metric [305](



- The Optimizer `base_url` is now normalized to strip a trailing slash to ensure
that computed paths are deterministically correct.
- Cancellation requests from the optimizer were not being properly respected,
resulting in unnecessary delays to cancel operations from the console.
- Enforce settlement time user-config parameter.



- The `port` option is now respected by the sidecar injection remedy.
- Introduced the `scripts` connector that supports attaching arbitrary shell
commands to be run before, on, or after an event is dispatched by the servo. [245](
- Add ImagePullBackOff error for target service (tuning or mainline) [248](
- Improve K8s Deployment updates and error handling. [253](


- Dynamically named ports are now supported by resolving the port name against
the Pod spec template [246](
- Use correct process for determining current active pods [247](
- Support settlement command correctly in ServoX k8s connector [240](
- Remove token exposure in TRACE log [239](
- When checks fail and are rerun, the tuning pod is no longer rebuilt
- Eliminated cases where the `KubernetesConnector` could fail to report progress
due to Kubernetes API availability, timeouts, etc. resulting in errant Servo
disconnected events being emitted by the optimizer.
- Improved test resiliancy and removed name collisions in automated test namespaces

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