- Support non-blocking calls to the SewerRat API in `register()` and `deregister()`. - Support `number=float("inf")` to get all results in `query()`.
- Support more filters in `list_registered_directories()`. - Improved synchronization of cache with the remote in `retrieve_file()`, `retrieve_directory()`. - Emit diagnostics when the number of query results is truncated in `query()`. - Added option for non-recursive listing of directory contents in `list_files()`.
- Added `list_registered_directories()` to list the registered directories.
- Check for updated files in the backend when doing remote calls in `retrieve_file()`, `retrieve_directory()`. If detected, a new download into the cache will be performed.
- Deprecated the retry loop for (de)registration as the backend is now responsible for polling.
- Added function to list files in a directory. - Added helper functions to retrieve metadata, files, and directory contents. - Added a retry loop for (de)registration on slow network shares. - Clean path manually to avoid resolution of symlinks via normpath.