This release includes a nice update courtesy of imatiach-msft for KernelExplainer. KernelExplainer now runs faster and supports sparse data matrices!
We have also refactored DeepExplainer and made it compatible with TensorFlow 1.10. There are still a few issues to track down, but DeepExplainer is getting more complete :)
Fixes a problem with DeepExplainer on TensorFlow >= 1.9. Fixes a bar plotting issue.
Fix a pip packaging error with `other` explainers.
Fix an import error introduced in the last release when installing from pip.
Integrates the JS code from `iml` into `shap` to simplify dependencies. Adds support for more TensorFlow components in `DeepExplainer`. Refactors the plotting functions and removes some long-deprecated functions. Fixes an error in KernelExplainer when using a non-zero reference value (192).
A new LinearExplainer that can estimate SHAP values for linear models while accounting for correlations among the input features.