- fix: perform sanity check for contour spacing before plotting - fix: use pyqtgraph.SpinBox to edit box filters (149) - enh: minor optimization of min/max feature algorithm - enh: only preselect innate features when computing statistics (150) - setup: bump dclab to 0.55.6 (new scalar features, dcor access) - setup: bump pyqtgraph from 0.12.4 to 0.13.3
- ref: don't set RTDCBase.identifier to slot identifier - setup: drop support for Python 3.8 - setup: bump dclab from 0.54.2 to 0.55.4 (better DCOR support) - build: use Python 3.10 for building executables
- ci: fix rtd build pipeline - setup: bump dclab from 0.52.0 to 0.54.2 (improved basin support)
- ci: fix Windows build pipeline
- setup: bump requests to 2.31.0 (CVE-2023-32681) - setup: bump scipy to 1.10.0 (CVE-2023-25399) - setup: bump dclab from 0.50.4 to 0.52.0