- Line of sight ending point [240]
- Compute rectification grid by strips [236, 237, 238]
- GeoModel factory to instantiate geomodels [221]
- Drive numba parallel by env SHARELOC_NUMBA_PARALLEL [267]
- RPCoptim C++ geomodel class with direct loc h and inverse loc [263, 225, 253, 276, 244, 254, 274, 273]
- Use rasterio rpc class to read image RPC [23]
- Code vectorization in DTMIntersection [211]
- Use inverse geotransform as class argument to improve performances [198]
- Remove useless new_axis [226]
- Removed useless transforms in DTMIntersection [215]
- RPC direct_loc_dtm refactoring [275]
- fix build read the docs CI [252]
- fix rpc geomodel_type typo in doc [262]
- fix xarray pyarrow dependency [291]