
Latest version: v1.0.7

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Bug Fixes

- `252 <>`_: The logger file handler now always prints ``DEBUG``-and-up level messages


- `231 <>`_: * Users can now use their **end user/personal** account. Previously, it was only possible to authenticate using a **service_account**. Thanks for recent changes in ``gspread`` the auth flow allows for differenciation between end user and service account that is much simpler so we ported this to here

* **Internal Note/Curiosity**: To make ``oauth`` work we had to patch ``gspread``'s default credential paths (see Hopefully, this is temporary.

- `253 <>`_: Success of failure message for database table creation now fully qualifies the table (``<database>.<schema>.<table>``). This makes the messages a lot more usable to a user who might want to copy paste and check that the table has been correctly created. (Also some ugly hardcoding in the catalog queries have been squashed).

- `257 <>`_: Allows more granular control over table (and schema) creation via the ``sheetwork_project.yml`` file:
- ``always_create_table`` is now the new way to ensure that tables always get created. Whether the table is going to be replaced or trucated is governed by the ``desctructive_create_table`` flag. Closes 251

**IMPORTANT NOTE**: ``always_create`` is now internally remapped to ``always_create_table`` and will be deprecated in a future major release.

- `262 <>`_: The target schema now gets created if ``always_create_schema`` is ``True``. Under the hood: SnowflakeAdaptor checks if the schema already exists on the database before creating it.

- `265 <>`_: In order to override (or set on demand) object creation (tables and schemas) we now provide the following CLI arguments:
- ``create-table``
- ``create-schema``
- ``destructive-create-table``

These arguments are "companions" which can override the following project configuration arguments:
- ``always_create_table``
- ``always_create_schema``
- ``destructive_create_table``

**IMPORTANT**:CLI flags will override whatever is already present in the project config

- `282 <>`_: Sheetwork now retries obtaining google sheets up to 3 times (max duration 10s) if it hits an ``APIError`` because the end-user or service account was rate limited or other common service availability errors encountered by end users.

Check the PR to see the exact set of ``APIError`` that sheetwork will attempt retrying for.

Under The Hood/Misc

- `229 <>`_: Uses the new ``service_account()`` wrapper from ``gspread`` to authenticate to a service account. This brings some stability with regards to the deprecation of ``oauth2`` by google as the converstion is now handled by ``gspread``.



Bug Fixes

- `150 <>`_: Columns that are now mentioned in the sheet.yml are first checked for presence in the sheet and ignored or skipped if not present with warning.

- `155 <>`_: Schema specification hierarchy is fixed: Flags > Config > Project.

- `206 <>`_: Pandas dataframe casting is disabled due to issues with mixed ints and strings (see #205, 204)

- `221 <>`_: Attempts to reintroduce datatype casting to solve issue with dates converion (see #216 for issue). Since the mixed str and ints issue is not solved on pandas side, int conversion doesn't actually happen (for now Snowflake deals with it ok and converts to the reguested int format).


- `151 <>`_: Raises errors when a sheet contains duplicate columns

- `156 <>`_: Interactive cleanup is a bit more intereactive

- `169 <>`_: Adds ``InitTask`` to ``sheetwork`` to ease users set their projects up.

- `195 <>`_: Sheetwork now checks for available updates on start (provided you have an internet connection)

Under The Hood/Misc

- `154 <>`_: Logging to file always debug, logging messages in CLI look more like pretty prints.

- `161 <>`_: Simplify ``SheetBag`` internals: ``check_table`` is moved to the db adapter

- `163 <>`_: Fixes broken interactive flow of asking whether to push to db.

- `171 <>`_: CLI logging/progress messages are now timed

- `173 <>`_: Sheetwork now uses an adaptor/plugin design to allow and facilitate extensions of the tool to other databases.

- `193 <>`_: CLI arguments are now POSIX

- `207 <>`_: An proper sheetwork error is thrown when you do not provide a command to ``sheetwork`` in CLI

- `208 <>`_: Profile error messages are now a bit more helpful and more nicely formatted

- `210 <>`_: Use and try to fix most warnings from Pylance in an attempt to have more strict typing

- `215 <>`_: Poetry is now used a the package and dependencies manager

- `218 <>`_: When passing ``--log-level debug`` in CLI the format of the console output looks more like proper logs instead of the pretty prints to make following logs more easy

Previous releases

There have been releases before. But at the time we were managing things differently. The old changelog can be consulted in ` <>`_


Documentation Missed and was not usable.



This release focuses on making `sheetwork` a lot more flexible and robust. The main addition lies with the ability to read from a config file columns which data types need to be changed in table creation when pushed to database.


- Is able to read configuratio info from a configuration file (`sheets.yml`) which contains (amongst other things) column typing often required after pulling a sheet from google as the data loaded by pandas is often interpreted as strings. [20](
- Allows for interactive CLI interface on whether to run default cleanups when passing `--i`. This cleanup was previously applied to all sheets by default. [17](
- Under the hood: validates the config file in a pretty strict way for missing tags which are required when reading from config or for unalowable tags which could potentially break things down the line. [24](



This is the very first version of sheetwork. It is named after the German electronic pioneers **"Kraftwerk"** as it is the pioneer (first version) of the package that will set and pave the way for future generations to come and we will all live happy forever ever after...

It loads Google Sheets into Snowflake, from the comand line and avoids the fast multiplication of `<insert_non_creative_name>` type scripts.


- Loads google sheet into a pandas DataFrame. [9](
- Performs basic cleaning.[10](
- Pushes data to Snowflake using [data_tools.push_pandas_to_snowflake()]( [9](
- `--dry_run` functionality skips pushes to database and offers preview of datatypes, and head of dataframe that would be uploaded to database. [12](
- `--mode dev` overrides target schema to "sand" to avoid pushing the wrong data to a production table or to allow for full flow testing while behind user permissions.[11](
- `--force` can be added when running in `dev` mode to force a push to otherwise overidden target schema (see bullet above). [12](

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