
Latest version: v2024.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 663899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- core - replace scipy-code with numpy to remove dependency
- inventory - add storage-stats and beagle-version-info
- ivonny - explain parameters, obfuscated shockley diode equation
- update deps & tooling


- move config to root-level
- add newest log-names to meta-extractor
- fix advice in error-text
- update deps


- fix import-bug regarding fixtures
- warn when fixtures are empty
- fix relative imports (be as specific as possible)
- fix lots of lint warnings
- improve documentation
- improve error-handling


- add UUID to models
- improve docstrings to be used by shepherd-doc
- improved docs
- switch fully to pyproject.toml
- update deps
- (extra) testbed-layout-table: add fields
- represent current testbed-structure


- optimize reader.read_buffers() to allow omitting timestamp (less overhead)
- change default compression to lzf
- weaken errors / warnings for missing timestamps
- toolchain: replace isort, black, flake8, pylint by ruff


- warn about errors during test-run during validation (default when opening shepherd-files)
- update testbed-structure (changed positions, composition and added two nodes)
- extend GH-Actions (with unittests) to windows & macOS
- fix inventory

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