
Latest version: v4.17.0

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Update the vendored copy of versioneer from 0.28 to 0.29.

1947 - Ensure tests can be run when the group library does not exist
Annotate several tests with the requires_group decorator.

1952 - Tests: better support of optional region/wcs dependencies
Ensure that the tests can pass if the region or WCS code is not available.

1954 - CI: avoid failures due to missing pyarrow installation
Allow the CI runs to pass with new changes to pandas warning messages
(completely unrelated to Sherpa but caused the tests to fail).


Update the version of versioneer included in Sherpa from 0.21 to 0.28. Fix 1677.

1708 -Ensure string id can be used for the background id in the DataPHA notice/ignore call
Allow a string identifier to be used for the bkg_id argument to the
DataPHA.notice (and ignore) method, fixing 1709 (it does not affect users
using the ui layer).

1711 - plot: add linewidth option
Add the linewidth option for line and histogram plots (e.g. plot_data,
plot_model, plot_fit) with the matplotlib backend.

1715 - utils: rework the error-column saving code
Internal clean up of the save_*error routines. There is no change in behavior.

1716 - utils: tweak internal _save_type routine
Minor internal change to a routine in the utils code. There is no change in

1720 - Fix get_stat_info output for individual components
Fix the get_stat_info output for multiple PHA data when the data has a different
number of background components (fix 1721). The get_bkg_model routine will now
use the source PHA for a response if the background has no response (to match
what fit and fit_bkg do, fix 1724).

1733 - Allow fake_pha to be called with a list of ARF/RMF names of length 1
Allow fake_pha to be called with a list of ARF and RMF names that only contains
one element. Fix 1722

1739 - pyfits: be more lenient with FITS files with messed-up headers
Allow some FITS files with an invalid header to be used with the AstroPy I/O

1747 - reduce chance of plot_pvalue getting stuck in a bad parameter space
Ensure that each simulation step for the likelihood ratios code, as used by
plot_pvalue, starts with the same parameter values to reduce the chance that the
results can get stuck in certain areas of parameter space. The ratios field of
the LikelihoodRatioResults structure - e.g. the return value of
get_pvalue_results() - can be plotted to see if this has happened (e.g. large
ranges where the ratio is close to zero.

1751 - Explicitly require attrs module when testing Sherpa
Ensure that the attrs module is available for testing Sherpa.

1752 - Drop Python 3.8 and Pick up Python 3.11 as a beta
move to be NEP-29 compliant with python version

1753 - Initial support for Python 3.11
Basic support of Python 3.11.

1755 - Tests: replace use of attrs package by dataclass
Change a test file to use data classes rather than use the attrs module, which
means that attrs is no-longer needed to test Sherpa. There is no functional
change in this PR.

1756 - Fix broken URL in docs
Updated URLS which are no longer valid

1759 - updated plot_pvalue docs
Updated docstring for plot_pvalue to include reference to the algorithm

1760 - Tweak test tolerances mac arm
Improve test reliance when running on the macOS ARM platform

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