
Latest version: v2.5.9

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This release fix a couple of bugs happening only in SHACL generation:
- Issues when dealing with https URIS
- Issues when dealing with some literal types out of the XSD or RDFS namespaces.



Now you can use the parameter instances_cap when building a Shaper object to avoid using EVERY available instance of a class to extract a shape. This parameter will be the maximum number of instances per shape used.

This is relevant in huge computations with many instances/target shapes, as you'l be able to save a lot of memory and tackle big graphs using regular, every-day, normal hardware.


This feature was disabled, but some users find it useful. By default, sheXer won't generate OR constraints including the macro IRI If you want it to do that, set allow_redundant_or=True when building the Shaper object


sheXer could generate incorrect syntax when serializing URIs in ShExc starting with a declared prefix-namespace, but not direct child of such namespace. That's no longer happening.


Fix syntax expressing absolute IRIs in IRI patterns (ShExC)

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