This release updates Shimmy to support Gymnasium `>= 1.0.0a1`. Most importantly, this affects how environments are registered using Shimmy and Atari is now removed (don’t worry, [ale-py]( now natively supports Gymnasium so there is just no need for Shimmy to do this anymore).
In Gymnasium `< 1.0`, python modules could configure themselves to be loaded on `import gymnasium` removing the need for `import shimmy`, however, behind the scenes, this caused significant issues. Therefore, the development team took the decision to remove this feature from Gymnasium `v1.0`. Moving forward, using Shimmy, users must `import shimmy` for environments to be registered to then be created. For example,
import gymnasium as gym
import shimmy this is now necessary
gym.register_envs(shimmy) unnecessary but prevents IDEs from complaining
env = gym.make("dm_control/swingup-v0", render_mode="human")
obs, info = env.reset()
episode_over = False
while not episode_over:
action = policy(obs) replace with actual policy
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
episode_over = terminated or truncated
**Full Changelog**: