
Latest version: v2024.8.8

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- Added `remove` command to remove deployments
- Added `clean-rollback` command to remove backup paths without manual
deleting or performing

- Migrated manual `argv` parsing to the `click` library
- Added tests for `rollback`
- Added tests for `remove`
- Reorganized codebase


Initial Release

Brief notes:

pip install shinylive-deploy

Initialize config file
- run `shinylive_deploy local` at the root of your shinylive project
- CMD will return with no output (to be adjusted in later release)
- `shinylive_deploy.toml` should now exist at the root of your project

Populate config file
- Populate `shinylive_deploy.toml` with deployment metadata. See Example shinylive_deploy.toml at the root of this project.

Deploy locally for dev purposes
- Deploy to local web server static files dir (i.e., if you create a local fastapi app with a static directory):
- `shinylive_deploy local`
- When you deploy a second time it will also create a `-backup` version of the webserver folder
- To roll back to this, use `shinylive_deploy local --rollback`

Deploy remotely va SSH
- Deploy to remote webserver via ssh:
- Use `shinylive_deploy` followed by `test`, `beta`, `prod`.
- `test` and `beta` will add "-test" or "-beta" to the end of the app name on the webserver folder
- `beta` and `prod` have specific git branches required for deployment (both default to "main")
- To roll back, use `shinylive_deploy [test|beta|prod] --rollback`

Current bugs
- "-backup" version of app will need to be deleted from webserver before a new version can be deployed.
- **WHAT**: Currently the app will create a "-backup" version of the app when it's deployed over an existing matching app name folder.
- **ISSUE**: The next time a deploy is attempted, it will be blocked, stating that "-backup" version already exists, and either delete that folder or use rollback before deploying again. The purpose was to make sure the user knew when they were going to overwrite the deployed backup. But this also blocks new versions following the first redeploy.
- **FUTURE FIX**: Add a CLI flag, or an input prompt to allow the backup folder to be overwritten during deployment.
- **WORKAROUND**: Manually delete the directory using something similar to -> `ssh userhost rm -rf shinyapps_folder/app-backup`



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