
Latest version: v0.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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First release. Please consider these as a preview / alpha until v1.0.0 is reached.

Choose between Python wheels, portable folder archives and packages/installers per platform.
For details, refer to the [full installation instructions](

Known Issues
* JACK driver only for now. JACK is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux, but may need some extra setup.
* Composite loop editing is not very user-friendly yet.
* Occasional crashes, in particular with VST3 plugins on Windows.
* No session auto-save - save regularly!
* 425 can cause issues loading sessions which have Carla plugins (read the issue for workaround)
* 397 means you will probably drop some MIDI messages if you use pitch-bending because of the maximum MIDI buffer size
* 355 no ports when deleting a track, then re-creating with same name
* 350 global "n cycles" control limited to 0-9
* 347, 345, 340 are issues with composite loops
* 343 need to manually turn off monitoring after loading session, not initialized correctly
* 335 "grab" functionality only working for audio / wet side, midi messages not stored

There used to be a rolling pre-release here. Now, just use the most recent tagged release instead.

Build assets pseudo-release to keep fixed links to things the CI needs.

Note about pthreads4w: built from github repository of pthreads4w, by running "nmake clean VC", using a Visual Studio dev environment.



Has known vulnerabilities

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