Backward incompatibility issues:
- Backward incompatibilities may come from the massive introduction of typing hints and fixes in types consistencies, specially when you override some methods.
Many of the incompatibities you may find can be seen in advance by using mypy in your project and using typing abundantly in the classes that
use shub-workflow.
Minor version changes:
- 1.10.1 continuation of typing hints massive adoption
- 1.10.2 continuation of typing hints massive adoptio
- 1.10.3 new BaseLoopScript class
- 1.10.4 `script_args()` context manager
- 1.10.5 some refactor and improvements in new delivery script.
- 1.10.6 crawl manager new async schedule mode
- 1.10.7 crawl manager extension of async scheduling
- 1.10.8 max running time for all scripts
- 1.10.9 performance improvements of resume feature
- 1.10.10 new method for async tagging of jobs
- 1.10.11 async tagging on delivery script
- 1.10.12 introduction of script stats
- 1.10.13 crawlmanager stats, delivery stats, AWS email utils.
- 1.10.14 graph manager ability to resume
- 1.10.15 graph manager `bad_outcome_hook()`
- 1.10.16 max running time feature on delivery script
- 1.10.17 spider loader object in base script
- 1.10.18 default implementation of `bad_outcome_hook()` on generator crawl manager
- 1.10.19 some refactoring of base script.
- 1.10.20 base script: resolve project id before parsing options
- 1.10.21 minor improvement in base script spider loader object
- 1.10.22 crawlmanager `finished_ok_hook()` method
- 1.10.23 generator crawlmanager that handle multiple spiders in same process (not good experimient, will probably be deprecated in future)