Core Features:
* capability to set 'all_errors_fatal: True' in a playbook to force any error to stop execution versus
a whole group or serial block needing to fail
usable, without breaking the ability to override in ansible
* ability to use variables from {{ }} syntax in mainline playbooks, new 'when' conditional, as detailed
in documentation. Can disable old style replacements in ansible.cfg if so desired, but are still active
by default.
* can set ansible_ssh_private_key_file as an inventory variable (similar to ansible_ssh_host, etc)
* 'when' statement can be affixed to task includes to auto-affix the conditional to each task therein
* cosmetic: "*****" banners in ansible-playbook output are now constant width
* --limit can now be given a filename (--limit filename) to constrain a run to a host list on disk
* failed playbook runs will create a retry file in /var/tmp/ansible usable with --limit
* roles allow easy arrangement of reusable tasks/handlers/files/templates
* pre_tasks and post_tasks allow for separating tasks into blocks where handlers will fire around them automatically
* "meta: flush_handler" task capability added for when you really need to force handlers to run
* new --start-at-task option to ansible playbook allows starting at a specific task name in a long playbook
* added a log file for ansible/ansible-playbook, set 'log_path' in the configuration file or ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH in environment
* debug mode always outputs debug in playbooks, without needing to specify -v
* external inventory script added for Spacewalk / Red Hat Satellite servers
* It is now possible to feed JSON structures to --extra-vars. Pass in a JSON dictionary/hash to feed in complex data.
* group_vars/ and host_vars/ directories can now be kept alongside the playbook as well as inventory (or both!)
* more filters: ability to say {{ foo|success }} and {{ foo|failed }} and when: foo|success and when: foo|failed
* more filters: {{ path|basename }} and {{ path|dirname }}
* lookup plugins now use the basedir of the file they have included from, avoiding needs of ../../../ in places and
increasing the ease at which things can be reorganized.
Modules added:
- cloud
* rax *-- module for creating instances in the rackspace cloud (uses pyrax)*
- packages
* npm *-- node.js package management*
* pkgng *-- next-gen package manager for FreeBSD*
* redhat_subscription *-- manage Red Hat subscription usage*
* rhn_register *-- basic RHN registration*
* zypper *(SuSE)*
- database
* postgresql_priv *-- manages postgresql privileges*
- networking
* bigip_pool *-- load balancing with F5s*
* ec2_elb *-- add and remove machines from ec2 elastic load balancers*
- notification
* hipchat *-- send notification events to hipchat*
* flowdock *-- send messages to flowdock during playbook runs*
* campfire *-- send messages to campfire during playbook runs*
* mqtt *-- send messages to the Mosquitto message bus*
* irc *-- send messages to IRC channels*
* filesystem *-- a wrapper around mkfs*
* jabber *-- send jabber chat messages*
* osx_say *-- make OS X say things out loud*
- openstack
* glance_image
* nova_compute
* nova_keypair
* keystone_user
* quantum_floating_ip
* quantum_floating_ip_associate
* quantum_network
* quantum_router
* quantum_router_gateway
* quantum_router_interface
* quantum_subnet
- monitoring
* airbrake_deployment *-- notify airbrake of new deployments*
* monit
* newrelic_deployment *-- notifies newrelic of new deployments*
* pagerduty
* pingdom
- utility
* set_fact *-- sets a variable, which can be the result of a template evaluation*
Modules removed
* vagrant -- can't be compatible with both versions at once, just run things though the vagrant provisioner in vagrant core
Bugfixes and Misc Changes:
* service module happier if only enabled=yes|no specified and no state
* mysql_db: use --password= instead of -p in dump/import so it doesn't go interactive if no pass set
* when using -c ssh and the ansible user is the current user, don't pass a -o to allow SSH config to be
* overwrite parameter added to the s3 module
* private_ip parameter added to the ec2 module
* $FILE and $PIPE now tolerate unicode
* various plugin loading operations have been made more efficient
* hostname now uses platform.node versus socket.gethostname to be more consistent with Unix 'hostname'
* fix for SELinux operations on Unicode path names
* inventory directory locations now ignore files with .ini extensions, making hybrid inventory easier
* copy module in check-mode now reports back correct changed status when used with force=no
* added avail. zone to ec2 module
* fixes to the hash variable merging logic if so enabled in the main settings file (default is to replace, not merge hashes)
* group_vars and host_vars files can now end in a .yaml or .yml extension, (previously required no extension, still favored)
* ec2vol module improvements
* if the user module is told to generate the ssh key, the key generated is now returned in the results
* misc fixes to the Riak module
* make template module slightly more efficient
* base64encode / decode filters are now available to templates
* libvirt module can now work with multiple different libvirt connection URIs
* fix for postgresql password escaping
* unicode fix for shlex.split in some cases
* apt module upgrade logic improved
* URI module now can follow redirects
* yum module can now install off http URLs
* sudo password now defaults to ssh password if you ask for both and just hit enter on the second prompt
* validate feature on copy and template module, for example, running visudo prior to copying the file over
* network facts upgraded to return advanced configs (bonding, etc)
* region support added to ec2 module
* riak module gets a wait for ring option
* improved check mode support in the file module
* exception handling added to handle scenario when attempt to log to systemd journal fails
* fix for upstart handling when toggling the enablement and running bits at the same time
* when registering a task with a conditional attached, and the task is skipped by the conditional,
the variable is still registered for the host, with the attribute skipped: True.
* delegate_to tasks can look up ansible_ssh_private_key_file variable from inventory correctly now
* s3 module takes a 'dest' parameter to change the destination for uploads
* apt module gets a cache_valid_time option to avoid redundant cache updates
* ec2 module better understands security groups
* fix for postgresql codec usage
* setup module now tolerant of OpenVZ interfaces
* check mode reporting improved for files and directories
* doc system now reports on module requirements
* group_by module can now also make use of globally scoped variables
* localhost and are now fuzzy matched in inventory (are now more or less interchangeable)
* AIX improvements/fixes for users, groups, facts
* lineinfile now does atomic file replacements
* fix to not pass PasswordAuthentication=no in the config file unnecessarily for SSH connection type
* for authorized_key on Debian Squeeze
* fixes for apt_repository module reporting changed incorrectly on certain repository types
* allow the virtualenv argument to the pip module to be a pathname
* service pattern argument now correctly read for BSD services
* fetch location can now be controlled more directly via the 'flat' parameter.
* added basename and dirname as Jinja2 filters available to all templates
* pip works better when sudoing from unprivileged users
* fix for user creation with groups specification reporting 'changed' incorrectly in some cases
* fix for some unicode encoding errors in outputing some data in verbose mode
* improved FreeBSD, NetBSD and Solaris facts
* debug module always outputs data without having to specify -v
* fix for sysctl module creating new keys (must specify checks=none)
* NetBSD and OpenBSD support for the user and groups modules
* Add encrypted password support to password lookup