* Submodules of the main modules can be imported directly. E.g. ``import sidpy.hdf_utils`` instead of ``sidpy.hdf.hdf_utils``
* Preventing tests from being deployed into ``site-packages``
* Fixed bugs in ``sidpy.io.interface_utils.py`` that was causing problems when importing sidpy
* Added python 3.8 support and testing
* Improvements and bug fixes to ``dataset.py``
* Added plotting utilities written to support upcoming ``Dataset.plot()``.
* Ported additional hdf_utils functions for copying datasets (now in ``hdf_utils``) and provenance tracking within HDF files (now in ``prov_utils``)
* Added ``Reader`` class to do half the job of the existing ``Translator`` class
* ``Translator`` class now shows a deprecation warning prompting users to start using ``Reader`` instead and populate ``ScopeReaders``