
Latest version: v1.1.3

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- Fixed a regression which could prevent some command output from showing and increased CPU usage


This release adds a few new cli commands to Bridge, as well as some more performance and safety features.


- `--lsl` flag to enable LSL output of **data packets**. Status packets are still delivered via the chosen output transport and so are response packets from the REPL
- `ble latency` to do a `Low Latency` packet latency test (only supported on latest BioPoints as of now)
- `ble throughput` to test the full-duty data throughput of a device
- `ble command` to send a command from the cli entry


- Quaternions are now called `qw, qx, qy, qz` (previously `w, x, y, z`)
- Quaternions are now normalized


- Fixed a few minor bugs

Known issues

Archer TX50E Bluetooth adapter currently does not work with BioArmband since a recent driver update (tested on PopOs 22.04 and Windows 11).


Finally, SiFi Bridge is at a point where it is convenient and stable enough to be released officially as 1.0.0!

This release marks a major leap in both ease-of-use and documentation accessibility of SiFi Bridge and we would be grateful for users to open issues directly in this repo for any suggestions or bugs encountered.


- CLI entry subcommands for one-shot operations
- LabStreamingLayer integration
- REPL inline documentation
- Bridge will now send back an acknowledgement (and status) response whenever a manager command or a device command is sent


- The old REPL commands API is completely scrapped in favor of the subcommand REPL API
- It is no longer possible to chain multiple subcommands in a single prompt
- Accelerometer data is now in m/s² (previously in g's)
- PPG data is now in lm (previously raw sensor value)


- Fixed a bad handling of stdin, which caused incredibly high memory consumption when Bridge was used alongside Python
- Fixed MacOS UUID and Win/Lin MAC Address which were reversed


This is a very minor release to add native support to the long-awaited BioArmband's BLE name change from the legacy "BioPoint_v1_1" to "BioArmband". Now, all BioArmbands (even the legacy ones!) should be connectable with: `-c BioArmband`.


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