Released on 2016-04-24.
- Add GIF support [:issue:`185`].
- Add a feeds plugin [:issue:`98`].
- Implement album sorting [:issue:`192`].
- Enable autoescape in Jinja templates [:issue:`195`].
- Raise exceptions in debug mode (``--debug``).
- Fix unicode bug with special characters in path names.
- Better representation for exposure time fraction [:issue:`187`].
- Catch ``cPickle.PicklingError`` on python 2 [:issue:`191`].
- Fix ``ZeroDivisionError`` when ExposureTime contains null values [:issue:`193`].
- Fix hard-coded video mime-type in the galleria theme [:issue:`196`].
- Update theme libraries: colorbox 1.6.3, jQuery 2.2.1, touchSwipe 1.6.15,
photoswipe 4.1.1
- Galleria: always show fullscreen icon, replace fullscreen and map icons.
- Use https for external resources, remove html5shiv.