- Documentation for all directives (480).
- Defined validators for the ``fork`` directive (480).
- Submission summary now appears in ``FlowProject`` status output, showing the number of queued, running, unknown statuses. (472, 488).
- Status overview now shows the number of jobs with incomplete operations and totals for the label overviews (481, 501).
- Renamed TorqueEnvironment and related classes to PBSEnvironment (388, 491).
- LSF and SLURM schedulers will appear to be present if the respective commands ``bjobs -V`` or ``sbatch --version`` exit with a non-zero error code (498).
- Only known JobStatus values will be written to the project document, to save space and writing time (503).
- Strictly enforce that operation functions cannot be used as condition functions (and vice-versa) and prevent the registration of two operations with the same name (496).
- Changed default value of ``status_parallelization`` to none, to avoid bugs in user code caused by thread parallelism and overhead in process parallelism (486).
- Memory directives are converted to an integer number of gigabytes or megabytes in submission scripts (482, 484).
- Fixed behavior of ``--only-incomplete-operations`` (481, 501).
- Removed ``FlowProject.add_operation`` (479, 487).
- Removed deprecated ``--walltime`` argument (478).
- Removed deprecated ``flow.run`` interface (478).
- Removed deprecated ``FlowProject.export_job_statuses`` (478).
- Removed deprecated ``script`` feature, use ``submit --pretend`` instead (478).
- Removed deprecated ``CPUEnvironment``, ``GPUEnvironment`` classes (478).