
Latest version: v2.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 681866 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- **IMPORTANT:** Silence v2 is not compatible with projects generated using Silence v1.
- Added fine-grained endpoint access by role:
- Added a new optional `role` key to specify the role column in `USER_AUTH_DATA`.
- Added a new `DEFAULT_ROLE_REGISTER` setting to specify the role that should be assigned to new users when using the `/register` endpoint.
- Added a new `allowed_roles` parameters for the `endpoint` decorator, which receives a list of the roles that can access the endpoint. There is a special value, `*`, which allows all roles to use the endpoint.
- Added a new way of creating endpoints as JSON files
- Added a new `createapi` command to auto generate the .json endpoint files and .js api consumption files automatically based on the database tables and already defined endpoints by the user. This feature can be toggled through `ENABLE_ENDPOINT_AUTO_GENERATION` in the `` file.


- Changed the serialization of datetime objects to follow ISO 8601.
- Bumped Flask-CORS to 3.0.9.
- Migrated the CI testing from Travis to GitHub Actions.


- Changed the serialization of datetime objects to follow ISO 8601.
- Set the MIME type of `.js` files to `application/javascript` manually, to prevent the wrong type from being dispatched due to bad configurations of the Windows registry.


- Added a new `HTTP_CACHE_TIME` setting to control caching of static web files. Defaults to 0 for easier development, which means that all static files (HTML, JS, CSS...) are not cached by web browsers.
- The list of all loaded endpoints is now displayed when using `silence new`. Added a new `SHOW_ENDPOINT_LIST` setting to disable this behavior.
- The `SECRET_KEY` is now changed in-place when creating a project from a repo URL if it already exists, instead of always adding it in a new line with the info comments.


- Added `cryptography` to dependencies for compatibility with MySQL.


- Improvements to `silence new`:
- It now requires a project name, i.e., you cannot use `silence new` without at least one argument.
- It downloads a certain template by default, right now, 'employees'.
- A different template can be specified using the `--template` argument.
- A GitHub repo URL can be provided using the `--url` argument. Note that `--template` and `--url` are mutually exclusive.
- The `--blank` parameter is provided as a shorthand for `--template blank`.
- It now removes any `.gitkeep` files found in the downloaded project.
- If a `SECRET_KEY` is already set for the downloaded project, `silence new` deletes it and provides a new, randomly generated one.
- A warning is issued if a `` file cannot be found in the downloaded project.
- It automatically determines the default branch name for the repository to download, instead of assuming "master" (yes, I'm looking at you, "main").
- A new command, `silence list-templates`, retrieves the list of existing project templates.
- Minor: Vectorized logo shown in

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