
Latest version: v3.0.4

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- Change how the dates are displayed in agenda and news items: no
longer properly translate them using the local setting. Display the
recurrence information.

- Validate and prevent bugs while using subjects and target audiences
that have been removed or renamed in the service.

- Improve tests.



- An agenda filter can only used by an agenda viewer. Agenda viewer
API have been cleaned.

- Extend API usuable by inline news viewer code sources.

- You can now import and export using JSON files subjects and target
audiences inside the news service.

- Javascripts widgets have been updated.

- Improve tests.



- Force date index to use a 64-bit BTree to store its value.



- Update Silva XML import and export API.

- Fix tree widget.

- Improve XML import and export tests.



- A news publication can be used directly by the code source inline
news viewers.

- Fix various little bugs in news views when invalid parameters are
provided to them (invalid date ranges).

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