
Latest version: v1.8.2

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new regime for add()
calc_method = 'polaron'

new module small_classes to where some of simple classes would be transferred

new control parameter added to set
periodic - defines if calculation is using periodic or open boundary conditions

sleep changed from 5 to 1 for PBS

to show neb xyz files use show = 'neb_geo'

procmemgb key added for PBS schedule
-neb analysis on cluster is switched off

update_incar() moved to


- corenum arg removed , use add_loop_dic dictionary
- now if *end_pos_types_z* is used only provided elements are chosen as possible final positions
- new naming convention for neb calculations when *end_pos_types_z* parameter is used. Use *old_behaviour* = '261018' for old naming

Structure ()

- new method get_total_number_electrons(), works only with cl.init, when zval exist


- new fields after reading OUTCAR:

- memory (float) - total amount of memory per job (Gb)
- memory_max (float) - Maximum memory used per job (Gb)
- nelect (int) - total number of electrons
- list_e_conv


- To optimize the size of database file from time to time run siman using ::

header.reorganize = 1

- now select works correctly with inheritance


new regime for calc_method in add_loop:
'Monte-Carlo' - Monter Carlo simulation above DFT

sshpass parameter in clusters now can take 'proxy' value. this allows to connect cluster with sshpass using proxy.
TODO: now proxy server and path to password is hardcoded in run_on_server(), push_to_server() and download()

new attibute added to calculation objects: self.cluster - dictionary with all parameters for cluster

read_poscar() moved from to as a separate function

new type 'void' with Z = 300 added to system. It is not written in POSCAR. Be carefull, bugs are expected,
since cl.add_potcar() and cl.calculate_nbands() are affected

bug related to the wrong reading of forces with selective dynamics was fixed ( was used from init, while in end the order of atoms can change)
now in the end structure is always created as new one. So, no i

but with incorrect writing of magmom in the case of atom reordering for poscar was fixed;
warning! if you provide magmom in set, than you should take care that the provided order is consistent with that in generated POSCAR


cl.fix_atoms() method added
bug fixed in
calc_oxidation_states() improved, use silent = 0 to show charges
get_surface_area() added to Structure()
get_dipole() added to Structure()
cl.get_bader_ACF() improved
creating_sets tutorial updated
'jmol' option of show in res() added
calculation name in output changed to db['name']
st.jmol() now uses vasp format
new property st.outfile - path to output file added
mcif argument added to write_xyz() enabling visualization of magnetic structures with jmol=1
cl.add_new_name() method added
cluster_tools/ new paths added for numpy support on cee cluster (local change for skoltech)
now modules are written for SLURM from, please add them as in example below:
CLUSTERS['cee']['modules'] = 'module add prun/1.0; module add intel/; module add impi/\n'

New tutorial for calc_barriers subroutine



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