02afc5f - Merge pull request 165 from AutomatedProcessImprovement/fix-discovered-bpmn-model (David Chapela de la Campa)
e4c042d - Add test files (David Chapela de la Campa)
a290714 - Upgrade version (patch) (David Chapela de la Campa)
a9201c8 - Write only End timestamps when using SM1 Split Miner 1 (SM1) uses all events written in the XES file to form the sequence of activities corresponding to each case. If running SM1 with a XES event log storing both lifecycles (Start and End), SM1 interprets it as two events of the same activity, and thus discovers a self-loop for all of them. Simod now generates two XES, one with two events per activity instance (start and end), and another one with only one (end). Still an issue, not SM1 or SM2 order the events of a trace. In the case of SM2, they are written always in pairs (A_s-A_e then B_s-B_e), when two activities are in parallel, SM2 reads the written order (A_s-A_e-B_s-B_e) and doesn't interpret real chronological order (A_s-B_s-A_e-B_e). TODO: either change XES writer to write events individually in order, or change SM2 to sort before using. (David Chapela de la Campa)
37f751f - Add discovered BPMN model post-processing to transform implicit self-loops Split Miner discovers BPMN models where, when an activity has a self-loop, it denotes it through an attribute in the '<task>' element, rather than an explicit XOR gateway structure. The post-processing stage surrounds all tasks with such attribute with an XOR-split/XOR-join structure that models a self-loop of that activity. (David Chapela de la Campa)
2980c4d - Small Circadian Workforce measure rename (David Chapela de la Campa)
d35a40a - Update requirements.txt for ReadTheDocs (David Chapela de la Campa)
78b8eb1 - Update ReadTheDocs (David Chapela de la Campa)
aa501d4 - Update .readthedocs.yaml (David Chapela de la Campa)
d49e044 - Update ReadTheDocs requirements.txt (David Chapela de la Campa)