1. Now table can has name 'table' 2. Added base support for statement CREATE TYPE: AS ENUM, AS OBJECT, INTERNALLENGTH, INPUT, OUTPUT (not all properties & types supported yet.) 3. Added argument 'group_by_type' in 'run' method that will group output by type of parsed entities like: 'tables': [all_pasrsed_tables], 'sequences': [all_pasrsed_sequences], 'types': [all_pasrsed_types], 'domains': [all_pasrsed_domains] 4. Type in column definition also can be "schema"."YourCustomType" 5. " now are not disappeared if you use them in DDL.
1. Fix regex that find '--' in table names (to avoid issue with -- comment lines near string defaults)
1. Added support for CREATE TABLE ... LIKE statement 2. Add support for DEFERRABLE INITIALLY, NOT DEFERRABLE statements
1. Added support for REFERENCES without field name, like `product_no integer REFERENCES products ON DELETE RESTRICT` 2. Added support for REFERENCES ON statement
1. To DDLParser's run method was added 'output_mode' argument that expect valur 'hql' or 'sql' (by default). Mode change result output. For example, in hql exists statement EXTERNAL. If you want to see in table information is it EXTERNAL table or not - you need to set 'hql' output_mode. 2. Added support for hql EXTERNAL statement, STORED AS statement, LOCATION statement 3. Added support for PARTITIONED BY statement (for both hql & sql) 4. Added support for HQL ROW FORMAT statement, FIELDS TERMINATED BY statement, COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY statement, MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY statement