- Add a `DISCLAIMER.md` (4912)
NPM Package
- Removed possibility to `simpleIcons.get` an icon by the brand name (4920)
- You should now start using `simpleIcons.Get` instead of `simpleIcons.get` (5777)
New Icons
- GoDaddy (5773)
- Microsoft Bing (4744), previously "Bing"
- Replit (5730), previously "repl.it"
- smash.gg (5728)
- TietoEVRY (5685), previously "EVRY"
- Web3.js (5682)
- WEBTOON (5381), previously "LINE WEBTOON"
Updated Icons
- Hulu (5774)
- Microsoft Azure (5745)
- Nucleo (5749)
Updated Slugs
- .NET (5611), from "dot-net" to "dotnet"
- A-Frame (5611), from "a-frame" to "aframe"
- About.me (5611), from "about-dot-me" to "aboutdotme"
- Alibaba.com (5611), from "alibaba-dot-com" to "aboutdotme'
- AT&T (5611), from "at-and-t" to "atandt"
- Audio-Technica (5611), from "audio-technica" to "audiotechnica"
- B&R Automation (5611), "b-and-rautomation" to "bandrautomation"
- Battle.net (5611), from "battle-dot-net" to "battledotnet"
- Blockchain.com (5611), from "blockchain-dot-com" to "blockchaindotcom"
- Chart.js (5611), from "chart-dot-js" to "chartdotjs"
- Co-op (5611), from "co-op" to "coop"
- Conda-Forge (5611), from "conda-forge" to "condaforge"
- Counter-Strike (5611), from "counter-srike" to "counterstrike"
- D-Wave Systems (5611), from "d-wavesystems" to "dwavesystems"
- D3.js (5611), from "d3-dot-js" to "d3dotjs"
- dev.to (5611), from "dev-dot-to" to "devdotto"
- diagrams.net (5611), from "diagrams-dot-net" to "diagramsdotnet"
- Digi-Key Electronics (5611), from "digi-eyelectronics" to "digikeyelectronics"
- Draugiem.lv (5611), from "draugiem-dot-lv" to "draugiumdotlv"
- Eclipse Vert.x (5611), from "eclipsevert-dot-x" to "eclipsevertdotx"
- Ember.js (5611), from "ember-dot-js" to "emberdotjs"
- F-Droid (5611), from "f-droid" to "fdroid"
- F-Secure (5611), from "f-secure" to "fsecure"
- Ferrari N.V. (5611), rom "ferrarin-dot-v-dot" to "ferrarinv"
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (5611), from "fraunhofer-gesellschaft" to "fraunhofergesellschaft"
- freedesktop.org (5611), from "freedesktop-dot-org" to "freedesktopdotorg"
- GOG.com (5611), from "gog-dot-com" to "gogdotcom"
- Hotels.com (5611), from "hotels-dot-com" to "hotelsdotcom"
- Itch.io (5611), from "itch-dot-io" to "itchdotio"
- Ko-fi (5611), from "ko-fi" to "kofi"
- Last.fm (5611), from "last-dot-fm" to "lastdotfm"
- Libraries.io (5611), from "libraries-dot-io" to "librariesdotio"
- Mail.Ru (5611), from "mail-dot-ru" to "maildotru"
- Material-UI (5611), from "material-ui" to "materialui"
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (5611), from "max-planck-gesellshaft" to "maxplanckgesellshaft"
- Micro.blog (5611), from "micro-dot-blog" to "microdotblog"
- MobX-State-Tree (5611), from "mobx-state-tree" to "mobxstatetree"
- New Japan Pro-Wrestling (5611), from "newjapanpro-wrestling" to "newjapanprowrestling"
- Next.js (5611), from "next-dot-js" to "nextdotjs"
- Node-RED (5611), from "node-red" to "nodered"
- Node.js (5611), from "node-dot-js" to "nodedotjs"
- Nuxt.js (5611), from "nuxt-dot-js" to "nuxtdotjs"
- p5.js (5611), from "p5-dot-js" to "p5dotjs"
- Parse.ly (5611), from "parse-dot-ly" to "parsedotly"
- Pi-hole (5611), form "pi-hole" to "pihole"
- Picarto.TV (5611), from "picatro-dot-tv" to "picartodottv"
- Player.me (5611), from "player-dot-me" to "playerdotme"
- Pop!_OS (5073), from "pop_os" to "popos"
- pr.co (5611), from "pr-dot-co" to "prdotco"
- pre-commit (5611), from "pre-commit" to "precommit"
- Proto.io (5611), from "proto-dot-io" to "protodotio"
- protocols.io (5611), from "protocols-dot-io" to "protocolsdotio"
- Redux-Saga (5611), from "redux-saga" to "reduxsaga"
- reveal.js (5611), from "reveal-dot-js" to "revealdotjs"
- Rocket.Chat (5611), from "rocket-dot-chat" to "rocketdotchat"
- Rolls-Royce (5611), from "rolls-royce" to "rollsroyce"
- rollup.js (5611), from "rollup-dot-js" to "rollupdotjs"
- Sat.1 (5611), from "sat-dot-1" to "sat1"
- scikit-learn (5611), from "scikit-learn" to "scikitlearn"
- semantic-release (5611), from "semantic-release" to "semanticrelease"
- Shields.io (5611), from "shields-dot-io" to "shieldsdotio"
- Socket.io (5611), from "socket-dot-io" to "socketdotio"
- styled-components (5611), from "styled-components" to "styledcomponents"
- T-Mobile (5611), from "t-mobile" to "tmobile"
- Three.js (5611), from "three-dot-js" to "threedotjs"
- TP-Link (5611), from "tp-link" to "tplink"
- Trip.com (5611), from "trip-dot-com" to "tripdotcom"
- ts-node (5611), from "ts-node" to "tsnode"
- Vue.js (5611), from "vue-dot-js" to "vuedotjs"
- Warner Bros. (5611), from "warnerbros-dot" to "warnerbros"
- webcomponents.org (5611), from "webcomponents-dot-org" to "webcomponentsdotorg"
- Weights & Biases (5611), from "weights-and-biases" to "weightsandbiases"
- write.as (5611), from "write-dot-as" to "writedotas"
- X.Org (5611), from "x-dot-org" to "xdotorg"
- YourTravel.TV (5611), from "yourtravel-dot-tv" to "yourtraveldottv"
- Z-Wave (5611), from "z-wave" to "zwave"
Removed Icons
- Adobe PhoneGap (5245)
- Automatic (3982)
- Autotask (5250)
- Aventrix (5249)
- Bancontact (5264)
- Bing (4744), now "Microsoft Bing"
- Brand.ai (4365)
- CEVO (4509)
- ComproPago (5270)
- Everplaces (5366)
- EVRY (4040), now "TietoEVRY"
- FedRAMP (4046)
- Gauges (5748)
- GOV.UK (4060)
- Graphcool (5602)
- HackHands (5693)
- Highly (4243)
- HipChat (5556)
- HockeyApp (5038)
- iDEAL (4577)
- Klout (5280)
- LINE WEBTOON (5381), now "WEBTOON"
- Livestream (4647)
- Mathworks (5351)
- Monogram (5345)
- Periscope (5415)
- Pingup (5416)
- Quantopian (5414)
- repl.it (5730), now "Replit"
- Sprint (4710)
- Staticman (4200)
- Storify (4204)
- Tencent Weibo (4222)
- Vine (5259)
- Virb (5257)
- X-Pack (4239)
- Yandex (5428)