This is release is focused on improving performance. Compared to version 3.8
the performance of expanding templates is ~45-70% faster. The performance of parsing
templates is unchanged.
WARNING: IF you rely on the internal workings of SimpleTALES in your application then
there will be changes that are required to make use of this version of SimpleTAL. The API
for SimpleTAL is however unchanged.
New features:
- Introduced simpleTALUtils.FastStringOutput which can be used to capture the
output of SimpleTAL in a faster manner than StringIO.
- Introduced simpleTALES.CachedFuncResult which can be used to wrap functions in
the Context, and which cache's the result of the function call to ensure that
the function is only called once during template expansion.
- TALES no longer wraps all results in ContextVariable instances when returning
values to TAL.
- Changed copy.copy to {}.copy for performance improvement.
- Removed logging.debug() calls from performance critical paths.
- Replaced DefaultVariable class with simpleTALES.DEFAULTVALUE
- Replaced NothingVariable class with None
- Removed NoCallVariable
- Removed isDefault, isNothing, isSequence, isCallable, and isTrue from ContextVariable.