Main notes
The **SSD** project provides easy solutions to design storage strategies for numerical simulations.
The project provides two ``Core`` packages with their own objectives:
* Easy storage management system for any data from a numerical simulation;
* Easy storage & rendering management system for visual data from a numerical simulation.
This version is the first stable release of the project.
It provides 2 ``Core`` packages with 2 corresponding [SOFA]( compatible layers. It also provides a [documentation]( page and examples.
* Automatic management of Database file for any data;
* Creation of highly customizable Tables in the Database;
* Easy writing and reading API;
* Event management system;
* Tools such as merging and exporting data in other formats.
* Automatic management of Database file for visualization data;
* Live rendering of numerical simulations;
* Replay of stored numerical simulation steps;
* Various object types and highly customizable rendering styles;
* Available Python library: [Vedo](
``SSD.SOFA.Storage`` & ``SSD.SOFA.Rendering``
* Same features as respective ``Core`` packages;
* Callback to automatically record any Data of SOFA objects;
* Recording can be done whether the simulation is running with *runSofa* launcher or with a python interpreter;
* Rendering is available when a simulation is driven with a python interpreter.