* update release notes
* make sure deconvolve outputs same size as conv input in SNNAnalyzer
* Implementation a test that will create a single neuron on a single core, that receives a single event and outputs a single event
* edit visualizer.md
* Added the visualizer documentation to the index.rst
* Replacing the notebook which cannot spawn a samnagui window with a markdown file
* Visualizer example updated with the window scale parameter
* Window scale parameter is now passed to the constructor
* load model onto CPU and change warning message for JIT compilation
* exclude Samna visualiser generated file
* Samna version requirement incremented to cover the latest changes
* Notebook forgotten connect method added. Readout visualizer only supports .png images. Information regarding to this has been added to the documentation
* Example notebook with explanations added
* Minor bugfixes in readout layout and feature name automatic setting to numbers
* A fully working model
* (WIP) Apart from one issue on not getting any output from the chip it works
* make it possible to use IAF with from\_model
* (WIP) blocked by problems in samna. Turns out and were not tested in samna prior to release. Sys-Int team will be fixing it, then I can fix in samna. Then all the features, but plotting the readoutpins will function
* Tests updated to cover the values, so that we can confirm that the states indeed have not been changed but updated
* remove outdated references to SpkConverter and SNNSynopCounter
* Clarify scaling factor
* clarify in docstring why we're using transpose convolution and scaling factor for AvgPool layer in SNNAnalyzer
* add tutorial text about how to scale weights for conversion
* Clarify in-code documentation
* Add test for changing the trailing dim, which should not happen
* Add documentation to the mismatch handling method
* For non-squeeze layers in the case of input with different batch sizes are received, the states are going to be reshaped accordingly. The change will be randomly sampling states from created by samples in the existing batch repeatedly
* Test norm\_input for LIF
* Test norm\_input for ExpLeak
* added docstring description for SNNAnalyzer
* fix errors in using\_radout\_layer.ipynb
* merge conflicts
* update ChangeLog
* modify config making tests can cover different types of devkits
* add speck2f characterization board support
* Waiting for sys-int team to provide a JitDvsToViz template directly into samna itself. I implement it myself if it is not ready on monday. Anything related to readout has been removed, as well as the JitReadoutNode. This functionality already exists in under . The API that uses strings in the front end to create plots have been changed with one that uses boolean flags to create readout and power monitor plots
* fix errors in tests after init DVSLayer in any case
* make DVSLayer can be initnitialized in anycase
* (WIP) For readout we have been using something that has been out of performance, this should be replaced with a proper functionality. In order to support all the chips and cameras ToViz converter filters should be Jitted, for which there is no template in right now
* (WIP) Dynapcnn Visualizer initial implementation
* black formatted
* renamed test
* update ChangeLog
* update figure
* add a time.sleep statement after dynapcnn network reset-states to wait the config take effect
* modify speck2e test to deploy dummy network
* added test for killbit
* test updated to check for type
* added checks if the network is empty
* add spike count visualization notebook into tutorials.rst
* fix typo in the notebook of visualize spike count
* delete chip top level figure
* change the speck top level figure path
* change top level figure
* add notebooks into docs/source/tutorials.rst
* update the noteboob
* Update requirements.txt
* notebook and image for spike counts visualization
* modify the parent folder name identical to the notebook
* modify the image load path
* make spike\_threshold and min\_v\_mem a parameter
* fix test which seems to have relied on older version of PyTorch
* fix wrong calculation formula in remapping neruon index function
* use deconvolve module to compute connection map for accurate synops
* fix conflict when merge develop into 34-add-readout-layer-usage-instruction-notebook
* add samna graph plot for power monitor notebook
* add notebook for power monitoring
* update the readout-layer intro notebook
* add FAQ and known dev kit bugs
* rm change in tutorials.rst to avoid merge conflict
* add seaborn to docs requirements
* replace plotly image with seaborn
* update synops\_loss\_ann notebook
* use consistent American spelling of analyzer