
Latest version: v0.19.0

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- Fixes incompatibility with scipy>=1.11 in ``LDPC5GEncoder`` and ``LDPCBPDecoder`` (186, 191)


- *(Breaking change)* ``Paths.cir()`` now returns the equivalent baseband channel impulse response (CIR)
- *(Breaking change)* When using non-synthetic arrays, ``Paths.cir()`` does not anymore apply the phase shifts due to the array geometries to the channel coefficients and discards the antenna dimensions of the tensor carrying the delays (``tau``). This is because ``cir_to_ofdm_channel()`` and ``cir_to_time_channel()`` accept as input CIRs with different delays for every transmit-receive antenna pair.
- Fixes ray leakage through corners in coverage map computation
- Fixes ``Scene.compute_paths()`` that was not working with non-synthetic arrays and multiple transmitters or receivers
- Fixes issue 174


- Fixes reference to incorrect PUSCHTransmitter in `` ebnodb2no`` calculation of `5G_NR_PUSCH.ipynb` tutorial
- Expands the API documentation of ``Paths.apply_doppler()`` with mathematical details for clarity



Ray Tracing

- Add support for scattering:
- Paths: Only for the last interaction, i.e., transmitter -> N >= 0 reflections -> 1 scattering -> receiver
- Coverage map: Support for paths with arbitrary number of reflections and scattering interactions, in arbitrary order
- Enrich radio materials with scattering coefficients that control the power distribution between scattered and reflected rays
- Add support for Lambertian, directive, and backscattering patterns
- (Paths only) Randomly remove some scattered paths controlled by the `scat_keep_prob` parameter to avoid an overwhelming number of paths
- Add support for first-order diffraction, i.e., transmitter -> wedge -> receiver (paths and coverage map)
- **(Breaking change)** Replace uniform random sampling of initial ray directions with a Fibonacci lattice
    - Remove `seed` parameter of `Scene.compute_paths()` and `Scene.coverage_map()`
- **(Breaking change)** New definition of the coverage map
- **(Breaking change)** `Scene.compute_paths()` now returns paths coefficients instead of transition matrices
- Remove `Paths2CIR` layer: Channel impulse responses can be obtained through the `Paths.cir()` method
- Applying Doppler shift can now be done through the `Paths.apply_doppler()` method
- Add support for the 3GPP TR38901 polarization Model-1
- Add flags for enabling/disabling paths types in `Scene.compute_paths()`, `Scene.coverage_map()` and `Paths.cir()`
- Add flags for disabling check of the scene prior to computing paths of coverage maps
- New scenes
- `simple_wedge`: A wedge with a 90 degrees opening angle
- `simple_reflector`: A metallic square
- `double_reflector`: Two metallic squares
- `triple_reflector`: Three metallic rectangles
- `box`: A metallic box
- Fix (128)


- Enhanced MCS support for `TBConfig` and `LDPC5GEncoder` (146, 147)
- Add support for downlink in `Polar5GEncoder` and `Polar5GDecoder` (PR 84)
- Add feature to return CRC status in `PolarSCLDecoder` (134)
- Numerical improvements in `PolarSCLDecoder`

Channel models

- Add discrete channel models:
- `BinaryMemorylessChannel`
- `BinarySymmetricChannel`
- `BinaryErasureChannel`
- `BinaryZChannel`
- Fix (115)


- Add [dedicated section for ray tracing tutorials](
- Add tutorials on [diffraction]( and [scattering](
- Update the "[Primer on Electromagnetics](" with sections on diffraction and scattering


- Switch the docker images from Jupyter to JupterLab



Ray Tracing

- Scene 
- Loading of geometries and EM-properties
- Support to load scenes from external tools
- Built-in scenes
- Differentiable computation of propagation paths
- Differentiable computation of coverage maps
- 3D interactive viewer in notebooks
- Ray tracing-based rendering of scenes

- Radio Materials
- Customization with frequency-dependent properties
- Integrated ITU radio materials

- Radio Devices
- Support for arbitrary positions and orientations
- Support for arbitrary antenna arrays and patterns

- Layer to compute channel impulse responses from propagation paths
- Cameras for visualization of scenes from arbitrary viewpoints
- Utility functions for 3D geometry


- Sionna Ray Tracing Tutorial notebook
- “Primer on Electromagnetics” explaining the theory behind ray tracing
- Video showing how import real-world environments in Sionna RT using Blender and OpenStreetMap


- Fixes issue (103)
- Fixes broken links in 5G NR PUSCH tutorial
- Updated DOCKERFILE (TF 2.11 as default)
- Updated file headers


- Updated “Made with Sionna” section
- Updated installation guide
- New requirements: Mitsuba, pythreejs, ipywidgets



5G NR Module
- CarrierConfig
- LayerMapper
- LayerDemapper
- PUSCHConfig
- PUSCHLSChannelEstimator
- PUSCHPilotPattern
- PUSCHPrecoder
- PUSCHReceiver
- PUSCHTransmitter
- TBConfig
- TBEncoder
- TBDecoder
- calculate_tb_size
- generate_prng_seq
- select_mcs

FEC Module
- TB5GScrambler

Channel Module
- Adaptive step-size for SSFM

- 5G NR PUSCH Tutorial
- Introduction to Iterative Detection and Decoding

- Fixes issue 95

- Modified visualisation of PilotPattern and ResourceGrid
- Changed bs_yaw angle in to align with sector center



- Issue with CRCEncoder and `int_mod_2`  function for large input tensors
- (76) Issue related to step noise calculation in SSFM
- (75) Issue related to llr_max of LDPC decoder and adds new attribute
- Issue in the tests for KBest
- Updates documentation and fixes typos


- Add support for TensorFlow 2.11
- Version adjustments in requirements



- Add `MMSEPICDetector` layer for MMSE-PIC detection, contribution from rwiesmayr
- Add `EPDetector` layer for expectation propagation (EP) detection
- Add `KBestDetector` for K-Best detection
- Utility layer `PAM2QAM` now also supports soft information


- Add `OSDDecoder` layer for ordered statistics decoding (OSD)
- Add submodule `fec.linear` for universal support of Linear Codes
- Add support for max-log BCJR decoding to the convolutional and Turbo decoders
- Align Turbo and convolutional encoders
- Add support for code termination to convolutional codes
- Add input LLR clipping to LDPC BP decoding


- Add base class `BaseChannelEstimator` to ease the implementation of OFDM channel estimators
- Add base class `BaseChannelInterpolator` to ease the implementation of OFDM channel interpolators
- Add `LMMSEInterpolator` for LMMSE channel time and frequency interpolation and optional spatial smoothing
- Add utility functions to compute time and frequency covariance matrices of TDL models
- Add base class `BaseEqualizer` to ease implementation of OFDM MIMO equalizers
- Add base classes `BaseDetector` and `BaseDetectorWithPrior` to ease the implementation of OFDM MIMO detectors without and with prior information
- Add `LinearDetector` layer for LMMSE, MR, or ZF equalization followed by app or max-log demapping for OFDM MIMO detection
- Add `KBestDetector` for K-Best-based OFDM MIMO detection
- Add `EPDetector` for EP-based OFDM MIMO detection
- Add `MMSEPICDetector` for MMSE-PIC-based OFDM MIMO detection
- Add a setter to `PilotPattern` to support one-the-fly update of pilot symbols


- Add MIMO support to TDL channel models through the specification of arbitrary correlation matrices
- Add support for TDL A30, B100, and C300 channel models
- Fix base station orientation in `gen_topology_*` utilities


- Add a notebook showing how to use and compare some of the OFDM channel estimators and MIMO detectors available in Sionna


- Typos fix and new test cases
- Drop support for TensorFlow 2.6

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