
Latest version: v0.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 688931 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- added param -ppi for P-Preferred-Identity
- added param -pai for P-Asserted-Identity
- sipsend:
- added param --local_port to force local port
- added param --no_contact to send message without contact header
- sipinvite: added param --local_port to force local port
- sipexten:
- added param -ofile to save results
- added param -f to filter response code
- sipsend:
- added param -header to insert custom headers
- global:
- bug fixes
- Renamed script sipdump to sippcapdump
- Renamed script sipcrack to sipdigestcrack


- sipflood:
- added param -th to allow threads
- added params -b -a -min -max to create malformed headers
- sipscan:
- manage large ranges of IP networks. Fixed memory leak problems
- can now run faster. Supports 800 threads without memory consumption
- added param -random to randomize target hosts
- sipdigestleak
- now can attack several IP addresses or network ranges
- added param -ping to ping the host and connect to them only if it is alive
- added param --file lo load IPs from a file, with format (ip:port/proto)
- sipenumerate:
- use threads to run faster
- show fingerprinting to give more information
- sipping:
- new module to check if a server/device is alive
- rtpbleedinject:
- new module to inject RTP frames when RTPBleed vulnerability is present
- wssend:
- new module to send SIP messages over WebSockets
- sipfuzzer:
- new module to perform a SIP fuzzing test on several SIP methods
- global:
- bug fixes


- sipsend:
- added params from_tag, to_tag, branch, callid, cseq, sdp
- added params user and pass to send a second message with auth if we obtain a code 401/407
- added param --sdes to send cipher keys in SDP
- added param --local-ip to force it in case of multiple IP addresses
- sipinvite:
- added param --no-sdp to send the INVITE without SDP
- added param --sdes to send cipher keys in SDP
- now it is possible to send to a range of callers (To-User) and a range of callees (From-User)
- added param --local-ip to force it in case of multiple IP addresses
- sipenumerate:
- added verbose mode
- siprcrack:
- added param lenght to force the size of extensions
- added param user to set the From and To user (by default is prefix+extension). If is set, the prefix only will be applied to Auth User
- siptshark:
- new module to extract info from a PCAP file
- arpspoof:
- new module to do an ARP cache poisoning
- sipsniff:
- new module to sniff SIP traffic
- sipdigestleak:
- added tls support
- added param --local-ip to force it in case of multiple IP addresses
- sipscan:
- added param --output-file to save results
- added param -fp to fingerprinting
- global:
- added class Color and param nocolor to show console responses in ansii
- bug fixes


- Added parameter From Domain and To Domain to SipScan, SipSend, SipInvite, SipFlood and SipDigestLeak
- SipScan can load IPs or network ranges from a file
- Bug fixes in TLS connections
- New scripts rtpbleed, rtcpbleed and rtpbleedflood to exploit RTPBleed vulnerability


- New version coded in python
- Erased some scripts: sipsniff, sipspy and sipreport
- Renamed script sipcracker to siprcrack
- New script sipenumerate to enumerate available methods of a SIP sevice/server
- New script sipdump to extract SIP Digest authentications from a PCAP file
- New script sipcrack to crack the digest authentications within the SIP protocol


- new script to flood a SIP server
- if all password are found, the script ends
- added cnonce, nc and qop params when export files with sipdump format
- bug fixes

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