
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 707299 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Access to all MR images and acquisition parameters
* All 8 file IO available (PET: Interfile, MR: HDF5)
* PETAcquisitionData object creation from scanner name and parameters
* ListmodeToSinograms converter class, also estimating randoms (from delayed coincidences)
* Normalization from ECAT8 (Siemens mMR) and attenuation image
* Build with OpenMP delivers stable and substantially accelerated performance
* More documentation
* Developer's Guide
* Doxygen inline documentation (available on CCP PETMR website)
* More tests (now run via CTest), for Python, Matlab and C++.
* Coverage reporting for Python tests done by ctest


- fixed version number and avoid confusing with wrong tag v0.9.1


- PET data algebra implemented
- Storage scheme (file/memory) management for acquisition data implemented
- Using single precision float Matlab and Python arrays now
- Argument validity checks introduced
- Consistent naming scheme for libraries and modules adopted
- Matlab tests added
- User Guide Appendix on advanced features added
- Storage scheme management
- Programming Gadgetron chains
- Specific versions of dependencies (ISMRMRD, Gadgetron, STIR, SIRF) in SuperBuild
- SuperBuild update for Virtual Machine


- first release



Has known vulnerabilities

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