What's Changed
* Récupération des changements faits sur le fork cms-suite-numerique by Ash-Crow in https://github.com/numerique-gouv/content-manager/pull/48
* Mise à jour Wagtail en version 5.1
* Ajout de répertoires dans le .gitignore
* Rationalisation de la configuration S3
* Possibilité de configurer un certain nombre de variables (titre/sous-titre du site, bloc marque, description, etc.) depuis un panneau d’administration
* Passage à poetry by Ash-Crow in https://github.com/numerique-gouv/content-manager/pull/49
New Contributors
* Ash-Crow made their first contribution in https://github.com/numerique-gouv/content-manager/pull/48
Upgrade notes
* environment variables have been changed, please check before deployment (in particular, `ALLOWED_HOSTS` should be set)
* Site configuration is now configurable from back-office and it will need to be set manually once from the admin panel: Configuration > Configuration du site
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/numerique-gouv/content-manager/compare/v1.0...v1.1