* Implementation of fast mutate, filter, and summarize using CallTreeLocal (134). For even just a couple thousand groups, the fast methods are close to optimal hand-written pandas, and the slow versions are almost 1000x slower :o.
* fixed current grouped pandas mutate to preserve row order (139)
* laid down tests of all supported series methods, currently skipping SQL backends (but ready to go!)
* put up some very basic documentation (145)
* wrote an ADR on the rational for fast groupby (135)
Note that CallTreeLocal has new options, allowing it to look up based on chained attributes (e.g. look for an entry named "dt.year", and override custom function calls.).
I still need to finish support for user defined operations and some light siu refactoring.
**Breaking changes**
* Removed the rm_attr argument from CallTreeLocal, since converting subattrs like `dt.year` will consume `dt` anyway (can't imagine a situation where we'd want to keep it, and couldn't do that in the translator function)
from siuba.experimental.pd_groups import fast_mutate, fast_filter, fast_summarize
from siuba import *
from siuba.data import mtcars
g_cars = mtcars.groupby(['cyl', 'gear'])
fast_mutate(g_cars, _.hp - _.hp.mean())