Instead of `validate(...)`, SIWE 2.0 uses `verify(params, opts)`. The `verify` function accepts the primary argument `params`, which satisfies the following interface:
export interface VerifyParams {
/** Signature of the message signed by the wallet */
signature: string;
/** RFC 4501 dns authority that is requesting the signing. */
domain?: string;
/** Randomized token used to prevent replay attacks, at least 8 alphanumeric characters. */
nonce?: string;
/**ISO 8601 datetime string of the current time. */
time?: string;
The `opts` argument contains the options which dictate how the verification should proceed, namely:
export interface VerifyOpts {
/** ethers provider to be used for EIP-1271 validation */
provider?: providers.Provider;
/** If the library should reject promises on errors, defaults to false */
suppressExceptions?: boolean;
Finally, the `verify(...)` function returns an object of type `SiweResponse` defined as:
export interface SiweResponse {
/** Boolean representing if the message was verified with success. */
success: boolean;
/** If present `success` MUST be false and will provide extra information on the failure reason. */
error?: SiweError;
/** Original message that was verified. */
data: SiweMessage;
With the `suppressExceptions` option above, a `SiweResponse` with a populated error will be resolved instead of the promise being rejected, allowing for normal control flow handling. However, by default, promises are rejected to ensure defensive programming practices.