------------- Refactoring of `postproc` and `feature_selection`/`feature_extraction` modules.
- ENH: refactoring `MvpResults`, no subclasses anymore, one consistent class with variable metrics - ENH: proper distinction between feature-selection and feature-extraction functionality
------------- Minor bugfixes and extend MvpWithin functionality.
- ENH: MvpWithin can now load in any statistic-file (tstat, zstat) - FIX: convert img/hdr tissuepriors to nifti.gz
------------- - ENH: FsfCrawler now also works with (BIDS-style) tsv event-files - FIX: remove confound-regression methods in MvpBetween (this should be done fold-wise) - ENH: add ConfoundRegressor transformer in new confounds-module
---------------- The changelog for versions < 0.3.0 have not been documented.