
Latest version: v0.19.0

Safety actively analyzes 665719 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Fixed a bug when enumerating resources in a Cloudformation Stack.


Added support for API Gateway, SNS, and Elastic Beanstalk.


Moved tests to use placebo. Changed functions that take optional args (e.g. `aws_creds`) to use keyword args to clean up the code a bit.


Fixed 79 and changed dependency from botocore to boto3.


Changed the botocore dependency to the latest released version.


Added support for Lambda functions and CloudFormation stacks. Also change the way `aws_creds` can be passed in for automated use. Rather than use a globalvar the creds are now passed into the `scan` function. Also removed the AWS client cache. It offered little benefit and caused significant problems in long-running applications.

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