Breaking changes
New features
* Added support for [`H2OExtendedIsolationForestEstimator`]( class.
This class implements the isolation forest algorithm using oblique tree models.
It is claimed to outperform the [`H2OIsolationForestEstimator`]( class, which does the same using plain (ie. non-oblique) tree models.
* Made `lightgbm.Booster` class directly exportable to PMML.
The SkLearn2PMML package now supports both LightGBM [Training API]( and [Scikit-Learn API](
from lightgbm import train, Dataset
from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml
ds = Dataset(data = X, label = y)
booster = train(params = {...}, train_set = ds)
sklearn2pmml(booster, "LightGBM.pmml")
* Made `xgboost.Booster` class directly exportable to PMML.
The SkLearn2PMML package now supports both XGBoost [Learning API]( and [Scikit-Learn API](
from xgboost import train, DMatrix
from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml
dmatrix = DMatrix(data = X, label = y)
booster = train(params = {...}, dtrain = dmatrix)
sklearn2pmml(booster, "XGBoost.pmml")
* Added `xgboost.Booster.fmap` attribute.
This attribute allows overriding the embedded feature map with a user-defined feature map.
The main use case is refining the category levels of categorical levels.
A suitable feature map object can be generated from the training dataset using the `sklearn2pmml.xgboost.make_feature_map(X)` utility function:
from xgboost import train, DMatrix
from sklearn2pmml.xgboost import make_feature_map
Enable categorical features
dmatrix = DMatrix(X, label = y, enable_categorical = True)
Generate a feature map with detailed description of all continuous and categorical features in the dataset
fmap = make_feature_map(X)
booster = train(params = {...}, dtrain = dmatrix)
booster.fmap = fmap
* Added `input_float` conversion option for XGBoost models.
Minor improvements and fixes